Case studies


This page is hosting case studies developed during our research of possible cases of corruption, conflict of interest and/or other law violations in area of spatial planning and development in Montenegro.

Each case study is based on concrete documents and information obtained from public institutions based on the Law on Free Access to Information, documents submitted by citizens reporting corruption and/or whistle-blowers from state institutions.

Many of the cases studies have resulted with concrete criminal appeals submitted to Supreme State Prosecutors, most of them still pending in Prosecutor’s Office.

The data available to MANS are indicative of suspicion that the Mayor of Bar Žarko Pavićević misused his office by launching the amendments to the planning documents towards a drastic increase in the number of storeys of buildings envisaged, and thus enabled the company owned by Aco Đukanović to substantially increase the value of land that was previously bought from the Municipality of Bar.

ZIB G-13
This case study provide evidence for yet another possible abuse of office by the Mayor of Bar, Žarko Pavićević, for personal gain, but also for the benefit of third parties, through amending spatial plan and breaching construction contracts.

ZIB – 275.178m2
The data of Real Estate Administration (REA) Bar that came to be known to MANS are indicative of suspicion that ZIB, assisted by the ex Head of the REA Bar has unlawfully acquired land, i.e. that there were no legal grounds for the given property to be registered to ZIB.

This case study provides a detailed explanation of the manner in which the procedure for the transfer of titles on urban buildable land was misused, and how the amendments to planning documents have doubled the benefit to the developer to the detriment of the public interest.

The study points to a number of omissions made in the tender procedure for the long-term lease of over 3.5 million square meters of land in the Valdanos cove, as well as the lack of transparency and willingness of the Government to enable access to information.


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