Activities in 2010


MANS was monitoring implementation of Law on conflict of interest by comparing official reports on property and income submitted by 21 members of Montenegrin Government in last six years. Developed analysis was published at MANS’ website containing information on their incomes, properties, shares, and other assets.

On the basis of analyses, we submitted three high level cases of conflict of interest to the responsible Commission but all of them were rejected. One of the cases was related to the Prime Minister.

In November 2010, we have requested the Commission for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest, to give us a Contract between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and one commercial bank, by which he returned 100.000 Euro worth loan in only two years, even though total income of him whole family was not enough to return even one quarter of this amount in that period of time.

The Commission decided that requested information is restricted because its disclosure would significantly harm privacy of the Minister. We submitted appeal to the Administrative Court and the case is still pending.

In 2010, MANS discovered an example of severe conflict of interest among key stakeholders involved in development of spatial plan and directly benefiting from it. While analyzing the ownership structure of the land covered by the spatial plan, MANS discovered that large construction parcels are owned by the brother of the Prime Minister, some parts owned by the nephew of the Prime Minister, and other parcels by other close friends of the Prime Minister.

The new plan was defining a large scale urbanization of significant part of the northern part of the country, predominately through construction of tourist capacities, hotels and ski resorts.

In 2010 citizens reported to MANS the case of Mayor of Berane for nepotism when employing at least nine members of his family in different sectors22 of local self-government, mostly at managing positions. We have not received any official information from the Prosecution, but media reported that the investigation is ongoing.

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