Reports on FOI implementation



Report on access to information on funding of the University of Montenegro

The project section led by the Youth Association investigates into the accessibility of information held by all university units in Montenegro, regarding the transparency of their funding, students’ rights and the actual exercise of those rights in line with the Bologna principles. more
Transparency of the university

Special attention was devoted to the national employment strategy for persons holding university degrees and the activities undertaken by the responsible institutions in addressing the increasingly more pressing problem of unemployment among the graduate students. The Youth Association, with the legal support by MANS, used all the available means of administrative procedure in order to obtain the relevant information. more
Devastatation of Montenegrin industry

Those are the reasons why today, former strong Montenegrin industry is completely devastated. Best testimonies on privatization in Montenegro and on what has been left upon that process are presented in the publication. more
through Bankruptcy

The first part of the report contains the information on the institutional framework, the second part refers to the implementation of reforms defined in action plans of institutions, the third part refers to transparency of the privatisation process, while the final fourth part gives the conclusions and recommendations. more
Criminal Code of Montenegro

With this Report, the Safe Home for Women attempts to respond to the question of how to make rapid progress and move from a standstill to ensure better protection of women, both those in Montenegro and those suffering from sexual exploitation in our country and originating from other countries. more
Combating human trafficking

The first part of the report focuses on the institutional framework, and the second on the progress of reforms set by the action plans for specific institutions, as well as the transparency of such efforts, while the third part contains some conclusions and recommendations. more
Bussines report of the public enterprise for coastal zone for 2008-2013

The data used for the compiling of this report was gathered on the basis of information submitted by the Public Company for Coastal Zone Management, after requests filed in accordance with the Law on Free Access to Information. more
Coastal zone management

The first part of the report contains information on the legal and institutional framework, the second part concerns investments into and management of the coastal zone, the third part deals with transparency in the work of the public company managing the coastal zone, while the fourth features conclusions and recommendations. more
Behind the statistics 3

Successful fight against corruption and organised crime is a priority for Montenegro in the process of European integration. However, there is not a single analysis of the actions of the judiciary in cases relating to criminal offences with elements of organised crime, only difficult-to-understand statistical data on indictments and court verdicts. more >>>
Judicial transparency

The publishing and availability of final court judgments is extremely important in any society that aspires to be democratic. Apart from the fact that each judgment is pronounced publicly on behalf of the people, the transparent case law secures the rule of law and harmonised jurisprudence. Analysing court judgments, it is established whether courts observe the universal principles of equal actions in equal situations, the principle of legal certainty, and the principle of proportionality in the exercise of rights. more
The Thermal Power Plant Case

This Report contains the information on general geographic and climate features of the Municipality of Pljevlja, on the Thermal Power Plant (TPP) and the industrial waste it generates, as well as the TPP impact on the environment and public health. more
Pollution in Pljevlja

This Report contains the information on general geographic and climate features of the Municipality of Pljevlja, the key sources of pollution, and the information on air pollution. Finally, it features the data on the transparency of institutions responsible for environment and public health, and some conclusions and recommendations. more

  • Report on FOI implementation (january – april 2011)

“It is necessary to establish better balance between the Law on Classified Information, the Law on Protection of Personal Data and the Law on Free Access to Information in order to prevent unjustified restrictions on access to information that must be made public and consolidate oversight role of civil society.”

Report (PDF) download HERE

  • Institutional capacities for the implementation of the free access to information law

More than six years since the enactment of Montenegro’s Free Access to Information Law (FAI Law), the attitude of the state administration towards its full implementation still lacks uniformity and standardisation. Notwithstanding the capacities at their disposal, many institutions, both at the national and at the local levels, are still reluctant to enable examination of their doings, while, on the other side, there are those showing a high degree of openness to the public.

Report (PDF) download HERE

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