Conflicts of interest


work-in-progressMontenegro 2005 Progress report

“The Law on Conflict of Interests has been implemented with difficulty and contains problematic provisions allowing members of parliament to be members of boards of public companies.”


progress_posterMontenegro 2006 Progress Report

“The Montenegrin Parliament failed to amend the Law on Conflict of Interest. The existing law contains problematic provisions and needs to be substantially reviewed. The laws on political parties and their financing are being implemented with difficulty. Political parties failed to observe the legal deadlines and procedures for reporting financial assets and the financial management of electoral campaigns. Further training of all relevant agencies is needed with a view to fully implement the UN Convention on corruption.”

mnpreport2007Montenegro 2007 Progress report

“Applicable Law on conflict of interest should be significantly changed.”

work-in-progressMontenegro 2008 Progress report

Adoption of the new Law on conflicts of interest is still pending. The current law leaves many loopholes. In particular, the powers of the Commission on conflicts of interest are too limited to ensure proper analysis of the declarations made. There are also concerns about the independence of this Commission.

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