Regional project


NGO MANS started the implementation of the regional project “Towards Efficient Public Procurement Mechanisms in the EU (potential) Candidate Countries”. Project is aimed to increase the processes of public procurement in West Balkan countries, namely Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The role of colleagues from Slovakia is to provide the expertise on European regulations of public procurement and consultancy on creating the methodology and later on implementation of the project activities.

Project is supported by EC through Partnership Programmes for Civil Society Organizations Budget line(s): 22.020701 – Regional and Horizontal Programmes.

Partners of the project are:

  • Open Society Foundation Serbia
  • Open Society Foundation Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Center for Civil Communications Macedonia
  • Center for Development of Non-Profit Sector Serbia
  • Open Society Foundation Slovakia

Project background

As a part of the EU approximation process the West Balkan (WB) countries have started developing anti-corruption systems and establishing institutional arrangements which should be in compliance with EU requirements and standards. However, as in many other areas, the changes are effected in a formalistic manner and without consulting citizens and civil society organizations (CSOs). This is the reason why CSOs are often forced to use the so-called Brussels route in their communication with national governments, implying advocacy activities with the European Commission if a policy and recommendations proposed by them are to find their

place on the agenda of national governments. This is especially true when sensitive issues such as corruption are concerned.

The partnership strategy used in this project is a part of a wider standing Regional Anti-Corruption Platform (RACP). The aim of the strategy is to contribute to improvements in the area of public procurement (PP) in the WB countries.

Project activities

Through this program, partner organizations will develop methodology for effective monitoring of the work, pin-pointing malpractices and evaluation of the performance of the existing PP systems in respective WB countries. The results issuing from monitoring and accompanying analysis of the policies, legislation and practices will serve as a basis to produce policy recommendations aimed at advancing institutional arrangements and their functioning, i.e. implementation. The analyses of the monitoring findings will be checked and recommendations drafted through an inclusive process of on-going consultations with relevant stakeholders at “real-time” national and regional round tables or through exchanges carried out via erected on-line platform. The planned advocacy activities and grassroots lobbing is aimed strengthening demands for strict implementation of policies and legislation already harmonized with EU requirements and standards; promotion and gathering support for drafted recommendation concerning the need of fulfilling the gaps in the present PP systems which impede their effectiveness and threaten their efficiency. This endeavor will enable CSOs to improve and intensify their activities and engage in an informed dialogue with decision makers. It will serve to test declared political will of the governments to open decision-making process for the participation of all interested actors.

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