Fake IDs for Double Voting


(Podgorica, 7 March 2013) – MANS researchers have demonstrated that Niksic’s electoral rolls have registered an upturn of new voters since the last round of elections. The new voters often have identical first and last names, birthdays, addresses and nearly identical ID numbers to already registered voters. According to MANS, these facts raise the possibility that the same individuals are being issued two ID cards so that they can engage in double voting and hence influence the results of the upcoming local elections.

MANS notes that concrete examples point to the fact that the praxis of registering ‘clone’ voters into the Niksic electoral lists has continued. For instance, recently two Nada Glusac’s, born on the same day, 13 September 1990, were registered. Both Nadas live at Crkvica BB and are registered to vote at the same polling station. Their JMBG number only differed by one digit. During the last election there was only one Nada registered, the second one seems to have registered following the last election according to MANS.

MANS notes that the example of the two Filip Grubacs is even more drastic. Both were born on the same day (3 October 1994), live at the same address (Ridjani BB), while their JMBG number differs by only two digits. MANS drew attention to the fact that both Filips were only recently registered in the electoral list following the last election. It’s worth noting that the Central Electoral List states that Filip’s information was altered on 3 October 1994, which is obviously incorrect since that would mean that he was registered as a voter on the day of his birth.

The same goes for two Gordana Milovics, both of whom were registered only after the last elections. Both were born on 26 October 1994, while their ID numbers differ by only the last two digits. Judging by the voter numbers, they were registered shortly after each another (#81313 and #81264). They do, however, live at different addressed (Velimlje BB and Cemenca BB). They vote at different polling stations “Dom MZ Velimlje” and “Djeciji Vrtic Cemenca” according to MANS.

Similarly, after the October 2012 elections, another Miladin Kovacevic was registered. He was born on the same day as his clone, who already had the right to vote (10 June 1959). Both of them live at the same address (Zaslap BB) and vote at the same polling station (Kuca Blaza Vujicica). Their ID numbers, however, differ by four digits. This means that either a new Miladin appeared or that the original Miladin got two ID cards.

Mitar Maric’s clone was also born on 1 January 1988, lives at the same address as the original (Stedim BB), and was registered only after the last elections. The new ‘Mitar’ has a JMBG (ID number) that only varies from the old ‘Mitar’ by two digits, which means that he has a second ID. After the last election, Radinko Marojevic’s close was also registered. Now two individuals with the same name and last name, both born 14 November 1982 and living at Morakov BB, can vote in Niksic. Neither of the two Radinkos were registered to vote during the last election, though one of them did register for the election before that (though that Radinko’s ID number differs from the two who are currently registered to vote).

There is also another Cetko Mrvaljevic who can now vote. Both Mrvaljevic’s were born on 24 March 1957. One lives at Grebicama BB, while the other lives at Priv Maj. Their JMBG numbers differ by only four digits, while the second Cetko didn’t previously have the right to vote.

The electoral list also saw the addition of Vuko Corovic’s clone, who according to the information obtained by MANS, was born on the same day (13 August 1993). They were both born in Trebinje, though their ID numbers differ. One of them lives at Lazar Socic 2, while the other lives at IVth Montenegrin Brigade 3. They are register to vote at different polling stations – one at “Elektroprivreda” and the other at “Gimnazija.” During the last elections only one of them was an eligible voter.

The electoral list also contains numerous examples of individuals with nearly identical personal information who could have voted during previous elections as well. For instance we find two Radmila Zivkovic’s in Niksic, both of them born on 3 October 1970 and their JMBG number differs by only two digits. One was registered only after the recent elections, though living at a different address and voting at a different polling station. There are also two Vesna Jokics voting in Niksic. Both of them were born on 10 June 1972, though they live at different addresses and vote at different polling stations.

MANS also highlighted other cases, including that of the two Bozidar Nikcevic’s who were both born on 8 January 1975, living at different addresses and voting at different polling stations. A similar example is the case of the two Zoran Jovanovics, whose birthdays are identical (12 July 1961) and whose JMBG numbers differ by only two digits. They both live at two different addresses and vote at different poling stations.

“The information, nevertheless, demonstrates that some ‘cloned’ voters were removed from the voters’ list after the last elections, after MANS made these cases public. This effectively represents an acknowledgement of illegal registration and that some of those registered shouldn’t have had that right or simply did not exist. The election list used for the previous parliamentary election contained two Ivan Rocenovics, both of them born on the same date, 10 September 1991, while their JMBG numbers differed only in the last two digits. While one lived in Street 79 BB, the other lived at Street 79 number 4. Both of them voted at the “Skolski Centar” polling station. Similarly, one Ivan Rocenovic was erased from the previous electoral list,” according to MANS. MANS added that a similar outcome was identified in the cases of Cvijeto Backovic and Suzana Janjusevic.”

MANS noted that the “relevant state institutions till this day haven’t allowed all political parties access to the registry on whose basis the election lists are formed, even though this is their legal obligation. Concrete examples identified by MANS indicate that the manipulations with election lists are continuing and that the responsible institutions are brutally ignoring the recommendations of the ODIHR requesting that electoral lists be transparent, up-to-date and harmonized with other data (including birth and death information).”

There’s No Lack of ‘Clones’ in Niksic

Niksic seems to be filled with ‘clones,’ according to MANS data. One can for instance find at Morakovo BB two Zorica Musikics, one of them born in the city on 7 April 1979 and the other on 1 April 1979. Both of these Zoricas vote at the same polling station. There are also two Milan Dragnics recently added to the electoral list. One of them was born on 24 September 1968, while the other was born on 24 October 1968. Both of them live at Vasiljevic 66 and vote at the same polling station according to MANS. They also point to two Jovan Tripkovics, who were both born in Pluzine (on 10 March 1938 and 13 March 1938 respectively). One of them lives at Gudeljska and the other at Strasevina, though both vote at the same polling station.


MANS claims that just as the last time that they noted irregularities in the voter lists, the trend of continuing to register ‘clones’ only seems to continue.

“In the Niksic voter list another Darinka Jovanovic was registered after the last elections. She was born on 4 December 1947, while her namesake was born on 4 February 1947. They both live at Carine 66 and vote at the same polling station (Dom MZ Carine). A similar case is that of Aleksandar Curovic, who was registered following the last elections. He was born on 17 June 1979, a month after the Aleksandar who already was a registered voter. While officially we are dealing with two different individuals with two different ID cards, it is worth noting that these ‘clones’ live at the same address (Ostrovac 41). The example of Branka Kostic is also familiar. She was born on 14 March 1948, while her ‘clone’ with the same name was born on the previous day, but has only registered following the recent parliamentary elections. Both of these Brankas live in Nikola Tesla Street,” according to MANS. “The same goes for the cases of Ilija Milic. The newly registered Ilija was born on 28 July 1948, while his clone was born on the very next day. One of them lives at Cemenca BB, while the other lives at Cemenca 36,” warns MANS.

Millions Spent on Nothing

“Concrete examples also demonstrate that the electoral system, for whose design and maintenance millions of euros have been spent, continues to enable individuals with the same ID numbers to vote in two different locations,” according to MANS.

They warn that the current voter list includes two Mirjana Radnics, born on the same date (1 August 1993) and who share the same JMBG. “They were both registered in the electoral list after the last elections, on the same day, though at two different polling stations (one at Gornje Zaostro in Berane and in Gornje Luge in Andrijevica). There are also two Saveta Vemics, with the same ID number, born on the same day and voting at two different locations (in Niksic and Savnik).

MANS also notes two Stanusa Giljens born on the same date (2 May 1934), though they vote at two different polling stations. One votes at a school in Savnik, while the other votes at the Pensioners Club Rubeza in Niksic. They also point to the example of Olga Banicevic. One of them was born on 22 April 1956 and lives on IVth Montenegrin Brigade Street, while her ‘clone’ who was recently registered lives in the same street and was born three days later. They both vote at the same polling station.

Another Jovan Todorovic was also recently added to the voters’ list. He was born a day after his clone, who was able to vote during the last elections (12 and 13 June 1973). One lives in S. Kovacevic St., while the other lives in the same street at 12B. Their JMBG numbers differ by three digits, while they vote in the same location according to MANS. This is also the case with Punisa Cipranic, who is five days older than his ‘clone’ (both were born in early 1963), while their voter numbers indicate that they registered shortly after the other (#22439 and #22449). They also vote at the same polling station.

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