Significant Electoral Irregularities Noticeable in Rozaje Municipality


(Podgorica, 8 April 2013) – In the period between the last parliamentary election (October 2012) and the recent presidential election (April 2013), the Municipality of Rozaje recorded the registration of at least five new voters on a daily basis. Among those registered are entire families that hadn’t voted in previous elections. In some cases dozens of people appear to live at the same address. Many of these newly registered voters were born and live abroad.

In Rozaje Municipality there were a total of 523 registered voters that had the right to vote in yesterday’s presidential elections but who hadn’t been registered to vote in the October 2012 parliamentary elections. Only 126 voters were born in 1995 and thus automatically gained the right to vote due to reaching the age of majority. Among the newly registered we find individuals from all age groups. The oldest newly registered voter was Malic Durakovic, born in 1930. Rasima Honsic was also newly registered for the first time, even though she was born on 18 July 1932.

In total there are 112 newly registered voters in the Municipality of Rozaje that are older than 50, and who didn’t have the right to vote in parliamentary elections. What follows is a table that breaks down newly registered voters according to age group. The largest number of newly registered voters (140) belongs to the category of young people in the 19-30 age bracket, followed by 88 newly registered voters in the 41-50 age bracket, and then 67 newly registered voters in the 31-40 age group. It is interesting that a large numbers of new voters older than 61 were registered following October’s parliamentary elections. The number of these individuals is 57, including 18 individuals who are older than 70.

Of the 523 newly registered individuals, it is worth noting that 387 are born in Montenegro, while another 136 voters were born abroad, including in Germany, Austria, Kosovo, Turkey, Serbia, Luxembourg, etc. The largest number of newly registered voters who were born abroad is from Kosovo (51), Serbia (42), and Germany (16).

It’s interesting that entire families were registered in this period, in order to vote in yesterday’s elections. For instance, the Kuc family – living at Lucice BB in Rozaje – were all registered in the Electoral List following the last parliamentary elections. That is, Nafija, Abit, Rafet, Enisa, Ramadan, Antigone, and Azra did not vote in the October elections, but were able to vote in the most recent election. A total of 19 people from Rozaje with the last name Kuc were newly registered. A similar example can be found in the case of Safeta Redzic (47), Nusreta (44), and Biserka (42), who live in Suhopoljskoj BB and were registered to vote for the first time following last October’s elections.

The largest number of newly registered individuals carries the name Muric (63 individuals). 11 newly registered Muric’s live at Jablanica bb, 9 live at Klanac bb, 8 live at Bac bb, 3 live at Gornja Lovnica bb, Dracenovac bb, Carine bb, as well as at Rifat Burdzovic bb. There are 26 newly registered individuals with the last name Kalac, as well as 22 Dacics (almost all of whom live at Baloticima bb, including the oldest of the group, 66-year old Smail Dautovic. Furthermore, 6 Kajevic’s live at Bac bb, including Resmija, Bisera, Rijalda, Hata, Ifeta, and Resmija who weren’t able to vote in October.

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