Write-up to Filip Vujanović


Below is the text of the write-up that MANS sent to election headquarters Filip Vujanovic on the initiatives for the inspection of the electoral roll that Vujanovic filed after police in a public tender MANS, 2 April 2013th year.



Podgorica, 10 April 2013

Dear Mr. Vujanovic:

I am writing to you in relation to the nearly 7,000 complaints for oversight investigations that would examine the legality of the maintenance of the Electoral List, which MANS submitted on 2 April 2013. On the same day, you had forwarded these complaints to the MInistry of Internal Affairs (MUP). We are expecting that you share with us and the public the results of these investigations and any eventual legal initiatives you will be taking on this basis.

Given that the deadlines prescribed by the Law on Electoral Lists have already expired for the MUP to submit reports on their oversight investigations into the voter list, we are expecting that you will inform the public whether or not your received these.

Furthermore, we are interested in knowing the percentage of initiatives that were processed by the MUP. The public has the right to know and we expect that you will place at the public’s disposal all MUP reports into the oversight investigations of the filed complaints, just as Mr. Miodrag Lekic’s campaign team has done.

In light of the fact that your own professional background is in the law, and that nearly every report issued by the MUP to date and submitted to Mr. Lekic contained irregularities, we suspect that you have also noted these. We don’t doubt that you have sufficient legal knowledge to have noticed the irregularities in the MUP reports, which Lekic’s team has already drawn attention to and have requested a revision of the reports submitted to date. For this reason we expect that you will inform the public about the legal proceedings you will be undertaking in relation to these issues.

MANS’ legal team is willing to offer legal assistance in order to ensure that you are able to use all available legal mechanisms in order to ensure that the initiatives that were submitted by your team – following MANS’ public call – be processed in accordance with the law.

In the end, we expect that you will inform the public whether or not your rights as a presidential candidate were injured by the MUP, as well as inform the public whether or not you have requested that the individuals responsible for violating your rights and breaking the Law on Electoral Lists be held accountable.

In expectation of your response,

Vanja Calovic
Executive Director

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