MANS Continues to Uncover Irregularities in MUP Investigation of Electoral Lists


(Podgorica, 10 April 2013) – Today MANS was able to analyze the latest set of reports from the alleged oversight investigations into allegations of irregularities in the Central Electoral List conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP). The reports were produced after complaints were filed by opposition presidential candidate Miodrag Lekic in relation to irregularities in the capital city of Podgorica. This latest batch of MUP reports definitely confirm our suspicions that the oversight investigation wasn’t actually conducted properly and that the MUP is instead trying to falsify its investigations in order to suppress numerous irregularities.

All other persons on the territory of the capital city of Podgorica, including the examples we drew attention to in the last few days, were registered in the Electoral List on the basis of a single, identical document (number UP I 06-209/13-113). At no point in the reports does the MUP state explicitly which document this refers to. Furthermore, the MUP’s investigators didn’t find it suspicious that this same, identical document, on a case-by-case basis, was adopted on totally different days, which is legally impossible.

For none of the 195 individuals whose files we examined today, and for whom the MUP says it has has verified their registration, do the reports state when they were supposed to have been registered in the voter list (which would help confirm whether any of the irregularities that have been highlighted several times actually occurred).

Even though the MUP’s investigators seem to have deliberately avoided informing Miodrag Lekic, as the submitter of the complaint, of the registration dates of these individuals in the Electoral List, other omissions found in the reports also confirm the existence of numerous irregularities.

Thus, for instance, the famous act numbered UP I 06-209/13-113 according to which all of the registrations of citizens reviewed to date were entered into the voter list, has 17 different dates of entry into force, even though we are dealing with the same document.

The document on the basis of which voters were registered in the CEL is dated on several dates in February 2013.

On the basis of this act, on 3 February 2012, the right to vote was gained by Dragica Vujačić (JMBG: 1103940215029). Furthermore, on the basis of the same act, though dated the next day (February 4) Saveta Radulovic (JMBG: 1801951215038) was registered. On the basis of this same document, though now dated February 10, Anka Vuksanovic (JMBG: 1011937215024) was registered in the voter list, and on the basis of the same act dated a day later (that is February 11) dozens of individuals were registered, including: Draginja Mušikić (JMBG: 2101937215019), Jelena Đuretić (JMBG: 1211949715374), Mrija Nuculović (JMBG: 1603947215035), Milivoje Marković (JMBG: 1010952210059), Žarko Miranović (JMBG: 2812950210186), Vukosava Marković (JMBG: 0510928715300), Marko Milić (JMBG: 1606950210051), Desanka Đuretić (JMBG: 1008950215199), Maruša Bojović (JMBG: 2707950215228), Olga Bešović (JMBG: 2206932715534) and many others.

On the basis of the same act, dated yet another day later (February 12) the following individuals were also registered: Šima Koprivica (JMBG: 0705950176524), Jozef Perkaj (JMBG: 1702940213000), Stana Račić (JMBG: 1501938219993), Jovan Radević (JMBG: 2105940272010), Milojka Radović (JMBG: 2905938215189), while on the basis of the same act on February 13, these individuals (and many others) were also registered: Smiljka Ukšanović (JMBG: 0405932215144), Anđelka Novović (JMBG: 2707940215033), Zef Ljuljđuraj (JMBG: 2810940214784), Jovanka Lakušić (JMBG: 1510923215036), Senka Klikovac (JMBG: 1510951217982).

On the basis of the same act, on February 14, Andjelija Bojanovic (JMBG: 2102951215036) was also registered. On February 18, several other citizens were registered, including: Sulejman Šahović (JMBG: 2907952170050), Gojko Kićević (JMBG: 2009949215215), Kuša Klapija (JMBG: 1505949215200), Lulash Camaj (JMBG: 0708949210203), Zorka Vojinović (JMBG: 1612929176501). A day later (February 19) these individuals were also registered: Radojka Čavić (JMBG: 2001949295021), Bosa Fatić (JMBG: 1910949215059), Milka Stanišić (JMBG: 1010930217998), Milan Todorović (JMBG: 2507951190017).

On the basis of the same document that is dated February 20, Vinka Todorović (JMBG: 2602937177655), Milodarka Tomašević (JMBG: 0111940715470), Radojka Knežević (JMBG: 2006940268015), Dušan Kecman (JMBG: 1804937213005), Budimir Krcunović (JMBG: 1703940213007) were also added to the voter list. On February 25, Bosko Kojic (JMBG: 0602937210167) was also added.

The document on the basis of which voters were registered in the CEL is dated on several dates in March 2013.

Thus, this same act (UP I 06-209/13-113) also appears dated 4 March 2013. On the basis of this act, the following individuals were registered in the CEL on that date: Dragica Vlahović (JMBG: 2509937215166), Vasilija Radojičić (JMBG: 2511940155012), Danica Rakočević (JMBG: 0905940215180), Dragutin Ivanović (JMBG: 1003940240029), Radomir Ilinčić (JMBG: 2704937210080). The next day, the following persons were added to the voter list: Esma Škrijelj (JMBG: 2011953275022), Mihailo Mikić (JMBG: 1502938274265), Vojislava Milić (JMBG: 0401941215151), Galina Milić (JMBG: 2106938218005), Momčilo Magovčević (JMBG: 0811941182672).

On March 6, the following individuals were registered on the basis of this document, including (among others): Nadežda Veselinović (JMBG: 2308938177696), Dragoljuba Vešović (JMBG: 0905941213009), Dušanka Kasalica (JMBG: 0108944177669), Ivka Kovačević (JMBG: 1501938218016), Mrija Junčaja (JMBG: 2001926215012). A day later, the following individuals were added to the CEL: Leša Vuljaj (JMBG: 1008952210259), Milivoja Marković (JMBG: 1010952210059), Vučeta Marković (JMBG: 1503952210241), Stana Magovčević (JMBG: 1212952215273), Rajka Peličić (JMBG: 2110952210227) and others.

Gordana Rajović (JMBG: 3107939215018) and Vinka Bijelić (JMBG: 1508940219016) were registered on the basis of the same act, though the former was registered on March 12 and the later on March 16.

The fact that the same administrative document – with multiple dates – was used to register a large numbers of voters in Podgorica, and that the MUP investigators didn’t notice this irregularity, unfortunately speaks to the fact that this ministry (along with its head), Minister Rasko Konjevic, is an active participant in covering up the irregularities present in the voter list.

Tomorrow, MANS will review the MUP reports into the complaints filed by Miodrag Lekic for Niksic (Montenegro’s second largest city). In doing so, it will have completed the analysis of all the reports that the MUP has till now submitted to this presidential candidate. Nevertheless, we must point out that the MUP has yet to submit reports into 90% of the complaints that we filed during the presidential elections, even though the legal deadline for doing so expired 5 days ago. In doing so, the MUP has brutally violated the Law on Electoral Lists.

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