MANS Replies to Mr. Filip Vujanovic


Dear Mr. Vujanovic:

We hope that you’ll inform the public whether your most recent letter means that you will refrain from the case before the Administrative Court that you announced against the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP), in which you claim that your legal interpretation of the law is correct, or will you quietly overlook your own initiative and the violation of your rights as a presidential candidate?

In so far as you remain committed to your previously announced case against the MUP, we call on you to wait before accepting the election results until all legal proceedings are concluded, including your own case based on this initiative.

Otherwise, your letter might lead to the conclusion that you only formally submitted the complaint relating to 7000 irregular entries in the Electoral List, knowing that they will not be reviewed, while attempting to show that your improper filing of the complaints – which we warned you against – can be relativized by pointing to the initiatives that were legally submitted by your electoral opponent Miodrag Lekic.

If this were the case, it would be a dishonest approach to the complaints relating to 7000 citizens, as well as a manipulation of the general public. We hope that this isn’t the case and we expect that as a legal official and presidential candidate you will fight to the end to ensure respect for the law, including in cases when their use would benefit the current government.

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With respect,


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