MANS Completes Review of MUP Reports Returned to Date to Presidential Candidate Lekic


(Podgorica, 19 April 2013) – Today MANS completed its analysis of all the oversight investigation reports which have been submitted to presidential candidate since 3 April 2013.

After 16 days since the complaints were filed, the results of the MUP’s oversight investigations demonstrate that not a single complaint was de facto processed in accordance with the law. In over 70% of cases, the MUP’s response is still lacking, while in the remaining 30% of reports we are requesting a repeat of the investigation given a range of irregularities.

In the latest set of reports that MANS was able to review, the MUP’s investigators failed to correct the violations of the law we’ve noted in previous reports we’ve looked at.

Once again, a number of people had their ID numbers changed, meaning that the earlier ID numbers were changed for these individuals; yet it appears that their day, month and year of birth was also changed. For example, Berisa Toma (ID#: JMBG 1303947215198) received a new ID number 1503945218024. The reports fail to specify why these ID’s were changed and on what basis (i.e. in essence there is no description of the facts of the case in the given instance).

Other evidence that the investigations weren’t carried out in a proper manner includes the fact that the MUP did not find a problem with the fact that two individuals have the same names and identical ID number. The MUP claims that in spite of this, these are two separate Zoran Mugosas. The MUP’s report in this case states that: “The investigation confirms that these aren’t the same person. That is, MUGOŠA ZORAN JMB: 1403964210226 is the son of Filip and Mitra, and has been registered in Montenegro since 21.09.1982, while MUGOŠA ZORAN JMB: 1403964210226 is the son of Veselin and Ljubica, and has been registered in Montenegro since 17.07.1981.

These and multiple other irregularities were simply overlooked by the MUP. This includes the fact that according to the law, the MUP was supposed to have processed all the investigations within 24 hours of their receipt, yet these have not been completed even after 16 days. We believe that in such an important circumstance this constitutes sufficient reasons for the Minister Rasko Konjevic to submit his resignation.

Instead of acting as a responsible official and replacing all MUP employees that contributed to this brutal violation of the laws on electoral lists and oversight investigations, Konjevic has been hiding for days from the media and the public in order not to answer questions regarding the massive irregularities within the MUP.

Nevertheless, we’re obliged to remind Konjevic that in the European Union, which Montenegro hopes to join one day, Ministers resign for even smaller failures to fulfil their duties. Of course, in those countries, fundamental violations of voter rights result i prison sentences. It is undeniable that one day Konjevic’s criminal responsibility, and that of his associates, will be raised before Montenegro’s institutions.

For this reason, we are once again calling upon Konjevic to immediately dismiss all MUP employees responsible for the brutal violation of Montenegro’s laws, and that he tender his own resignation as well. This is a clear test for Konjevic and an opportunity to demonstrate to Montenegro’s citizens whether he values the rule of law more that his seat in the government and its associated benefits.

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