Eyes Wide Shut



1. Introduction (PDF) download >>>
2. Conclusions (PDF) download >>>
3. “Implementation” of laws (PDF) download >>>
4. Private above public interest (PDF) download >>>
5. Statistical data (PDF) download >>>
6. About MANS (PDF) download >>>

In the last several years the construction industry has seen a considerable growth compared to other industries in Montenegro. In Podgorica, the administrative centre of the Republic, there is a dominant construction of residential-business buildings. Flats for the market and hotels are built in Budva, while the National Park “Durmitor” is endangerd by illegal construction of settlements with weekend houses.

The lack of updated plans, inadequate conducting or in same cases absence of inspection control, complicated and long procedures for obtaining necessary permits, as well as a huge insterest of investors to build – all this has resulted in a huge number of illegal objects and a serious devastation of space in most Montenegrin municipalites.

Data of competent state institutions show that in the last decade more than 80% of objects in Montenegro have been built illegaly, while in Podgorica, on the municipal land only, more than 20,000 objects have been built. Illegal construction can be found in the areas under special legal protection, both at the coast and in national parks.

The inspection unit of the Ministry of Economy conducts inspection controls over the objects of importance for the state, such as big infrastructure and industrial objects, but also all the objects whose surfrace exceeds 1000 sq. meters and which have more than four floors and are found in the areas of national parks or along the coast. Six inspectors are employed in the Republic Construction Inspection.

Smaller objects are under jurisdicition of the municipal construction Inspections. Local construction inspections in Budva and Zabljak have just one construction inspector each, while Podgorica is the only municipality with a larger number of inspectors.

In the period September 2006 – February 2007, MANS monitored work of the Republic and municipal inspections in Podgorica, Budva and Zabljak. We collected data on their activities by using the Law on Free Access to Information and the submitted initiatives for inspection controls and criminal complaints and openly pointed to the characteristic cases of law violations.

In addition to statistical data on the work of competent institutions, this publication also contains case studies with supporting documents. Through concrete examples we have pointed out the most frequent problems in the implementation of laws and the lack of political will for resoling the problem of illegal construction.

Production of this publication was supported by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

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