MANS Collects 12,000 Signatures in 2 Days Against VAT Increase


(Podgorica, 18 June 2013) – In the past two days, MANS has collected more than 12,000 signatures demanding the MPs reject the proposed VAT increase.

The enormous interest of citizens from across the entirety of Montenegro demonstrates that a clear majority believes that the imposition of this regressive tax is illegitimate. It’s clear that the burden of the crisis, as well as the costs of enriching certain individuals, shouldn’t be displaced on the shoulders of ordinary citizens, but should be borne by those who are responsible for the current deficit (i.e. the owners of the Podgorica Aluminum Combine).

Tomorrow, prior to the start of the Assembly’s proceedings, we will submit all of these signatures to MPs. We expect this law to be rejected by the majority of MPs and that the interests of all citizens will finally trump those of particular individuals and political parties.

We note that at least one member of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP) – the government’s junior coalition partner – publicly stated that he would vote agains the VAT hike. Another MP from the same party has confirmed that such an increase is simply a ‘KAP tax.’

We expect other SDP members to vote against the Law on the KAP Tax and demonstrate that one can retain one’s humanity even in politics.

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