Kovacevic and friends usurped the Land register


Dragan Kovacevic(Podgorica, October 16. 2013.) – The research continuation on jobs of Director of the Real Estate Administration provides information that indicate the suspicion that Dragan Kovacevic in a long time abused his power in that government institution in order to insure privileges for the companies that are connected to him, but also to avoid sanctions for obvious violation of the laws and regulations in the field of state survey and the Land registry, warns for MANS’s Research center.

As it was previously reported, Dragan Kovacevic after he was pointed as a director of the Real Estate Administration, he appointed a new Commission for the license issuance and for obtaining authorizations for performance of geodetic works, where he himself appointed as a member, and Radovan Boskovic, as a business partner of his own brother as Vise-President of the Commission.

The company “Geo Raper”, actually  “Geo & Arch Project” as it is called now, and to which Kovacevic and Boskovic have a relationship, the license for work got in the end of 2008. Until September of 2012, this company has performed surveying works based on those licenses. Then, the company’s director Dragan Boskovic submitted a request for invalidation, and requested issuance of a new license, which points on doubt that the company is performing surveying works with invalid license.

In that period the company “Geo Raper”, thankfully to a positive opinion from Dragan Kovacevic, was hired as a subcontractor on a project to build an inventory of the Land register in municipality Plav, worth 840.000 Euros, even if, obviously, in that period had an invalid license for work.

Son to a father sent a recommendation for a relative of Kovacevic’s wife.

The close relative of Kovacevic’s wife, Aleksandra Bubanja after leaving the company “Geo Raper”, founded one company called “Geo nana”. The license for this company gave the same commission, where Boskovic and Kovacevic are members, despite the fact that they are both in conflict of interest in Bubanja’s case. In addition, the son of the commission member, Dragan Boskovic, who also replaced Bubanja as a head of “Geo Raper”, the company that originally founded the brother of the director of the Real Estate Administration, gave a recommendation to Bubanja to open a new company. This detail shows the extent of the network created by Dragan Kovacevic in order to monopolize different jobs in the Land Registry, warns Milovac.

One of the jobs that the company performed at that period is the work of survey and land registration famous building in Zavala – ‘Harmonia Building”, whose investor is the company “Old Town Invest Group”, which at that time was owned by the family of Branislav Micunovic from Niksic. MANS is currently investigating and other jobs in which this company was hired, especially in the period when Dragan Kovacevic was a head of the department of the Land Registry for the regional offices municipalities of Tivat and Bar.

In connection to that, it is almost unbelievable that no one from the Department of Real Estate, nor Dragan Kovacevic himself, did not question the validity of performed works during the period for which it is suspected that the company “Geo Raper/Geo & Arh Project” did not have a valid license. The answer on this question partially is given by the fact that as a member of the commission that suppose to address this question was the father of the formal owner of the company, Radovan Boskovic, but also and Dragan Kovacevic himself, ho had an interest this company to have a successful business despite of possible law violation.

In addition, according to information available in MANS’s Research center, Dragan Kovacevic did all to keep inspection supervision within the Real Estate Administration, most likely in order to improve his control. In fact, after the decision that the inspection supervision is integrated within one institution, the Administration for Inspection addressed all institutions that had inspectors, for taking over and continuation of inspection supervision within the new institution. One of those letters, in the middle of March of last year, was sent and to the Director of the Real Estate Administration. Writing by DAN stated an avalanche of new information about Kovacevic.

After yesterday’s article in the DAN, MANS was contacted by a number of people who had “experience in connection” with Kovacevic, both in the Real Estate Administration and through some of the companies in his network. MANS will verify these allegations, in the next period, and will file criminal charges against Kovacevic and people connected to him, because so far there is enough evidence for that, said Milovac.

In his own answer to the Administration for Inspection, Kovacevic said that his administration ha no employees performing inspection jobs, despite the fact that as an inspector for geodesy, at that time, Dragan Andjic was involved. According to MANS’s data, Kovacevic, contrary to the law on inspection, kept Andjic on the position as geodesy inspector. MANS had a chance to see one document that Andjic issued, signed and verified by a stamp of the Real Estate Administration, and it is clear that the Department has a staff that performs operations of inspection. The document that MANS obtained represents a proposal for the Commission for Licensing where Kovacevic and Boskovic are members, to revoke the operation license to one of the geodetic companies.

This obvious ignorance of legal obligations and taking over of monopoly in inspection supervision refers to the belief that Kovacevic deliberately was silent on the existence of the inspectors in his institution in order to ease his control over inspection supervision. This practice creates a huge space for abuse when it comes to eliminating the competition to whom Kovacevic and Boskovic have interest links.

All mentioned leads to the suspicion that Dragan Kovacevic while abusing official position created a network that provides monopoly to him in the Real Estate Administration, and tried to ensure for himself and connected people acquisition of property benefit. We believe that a similar motivation Kovacevic had with deletion of the identification numbers with hope that his suspicious jobs would remain hidden for a long time. Cases like this one more time confirm that the requirements for the public identification numbers are more than justified, so there is an undeniable public interest citizens to know what level of abuse of power is used in management of state institutions, concluded Dejan Milovac, the Director of MANS’s Research center.

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