Possible consequences of decisions made by government when it comes to energy sector


Network of non-governmental organizations of Southeastern Europe, gathered around energy issues related to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, and Kosovo has created an annual monitoring report which aims to point out on possible consequences of decisions made by government of countries when it comes to the energy sector. Members of the network who participated in preparation of this report are NGO Green Home and MANS, from Montenegro.


Information from the report show that in the listed countries plans already exist for investment in energy sector of around 30 billion euros, and that the decisions that the government is about to adopt in the coming period are essential to decide what energy project would be realized in this region, how clean and sustainable, and how safe energy sources will be that would be built in the coming years.

Recognizing the importance of the choices that will be made, the network of organizations developed a so-called infographic called “Warm, safe, clean energy-which path choose states of SEE region?” that shows how the Government of certain countries achieved in comparison with neighboring countries, and also with EU goals in the energy field.


When it comes concretely to Montenegro, the data show that we are still far from the targets set in the EU, while in some areas, such as the exploitation, we are doing opposite.

In terms of energy efficiency, plans say that until 2018, Montenegro will save 9% of the energy, while the target at EU level by 2020 year, is as much as 20%. This low percentage of planned savings suggests that plans for a generation of a new energy rather pointed at building new sources, even though studies show that it is1000 times more cost-effective to save one kW of energy that to produce it.


When it comes to getting energy from so-called “dirty sources” such as thermal power plants, Montenegro is less than the EU average, at the level of 25%. Despite a significantly higher proportion that dirty energy has in total production in Montenegro (32%), announced the construction of new parts of TE Pljevlja, will our country further move away from the EU goal.

Although Montenegro is rich in potential for the exploitation of solar and wind energy, the amount of energy obtained that way in our country is equal to zero, while in the EU that figure is at the level of 172.200 GWh. An example of the potential of solar energy shown by the fact is that the Earth daily receives more energy from the Sun, than it can spend in a year.


When we talk about losses and theft of energy from the network, the comparison between Montenegro and countries in the region shows that our country, with 23% of losses, is among the worst in the region. From Montenegro in worse position are only Albania (25%) and Kosovo (41%).

How much Montenegro productively uses energy in this region shows the fact that for the production and the sale of unit of a given product in the EU is needed to spend three times less energy than is the case in Montenegro.


We believe that these data very vividly explain that the current energy policies in Montenegro actually move away from the goals set by the EU in this sector, and that while making decisions, that would forever change the energy picture of our country, it is also needed to consider and the aspects that we have emphasized in our report.

This is the first of two monitoring reports that the network of non-governmental organizations will develop for the period 2013/2014 within a project supported by the European Union.

In the attachment of this announcement we send photos from infographic


Green Home and MANS

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