We believe that behind the attacks stands the biggest cowards


attacks on journalistsThe absence of any reaction from the authorities to more frequent attacks on the free media and critics of the Government is a direct message to the attackers that in Montenegro that kind of behavior is acceptable and that so far the free word and free thought can be beaten, burned, and arrested.

We have not even a smallest doubt that behind the cowardly attacks are those whose private and for-profit interests jeopardize investigations and writings that part of the media and non-governmental sector which still has the courage and professional integrity not to accept on this land to rule criminals and their supporters from the authorities structures.

We believe that behind the attacks stands the biggest cowards who can not accept the fact the fact that Montenegro must go forth from this darkness where it is located, and that its future does not belong to murderers, drugs and weapons smugglers, political poltroons and blind-followers of this government, and it can not be built on intimidation of its citizens.

A reign of terror and the general climate of hostility towards all those who disagree with the fact that this country is completely robbed and captured by the interests of the criminal underworld and their spokespersons and patrons from the Government, is something we will not accept and it does not matter how much they try to threaten and intimidate us from the darkness.

With each new unresolved attack, the line is thinner between the attackers and those responsible to resolve these attacks because both of them with their actions threaten the security of all those who dare to think differently and to say it publicly.

As the respect and recognition of the free media, and certainly freedom of speech and the right to different opinion is one of the basic conditions that Montenegro must meet in order to be accepted into the family of European states, total passivity of the competent authorities on resolving cowardly attacks seriously doubt the sincere intention of the Government of Montenegro to lead Montenegro toward that goal.

There is no doubt that cases such as the last in a series of destruction of property of independent daily news Vijesti, and especially a brutal beating of a journalist from Dan, it puts Montenegro away from democratic European countries whose standards we want to achieve, and passivity of the competent authorities send an unambiguous message under whose control they are. The greatest responsibility for threatened freedom of the media carrying the Prime Minister Djukanovic, and after him all of those that he “installed” on the positions from which they only can promise the safety of citizens, but not to provide the same, or to take responsibility for it.

MANS once again strongly condemns cowardly attacks on the media, and also completely passive attitude of institutions responsible for processing these attacks which helped to create an atmosphere in which the attack on a different view is not punished but encouraged.


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