the judge Sonja Pepeljak acknowledged the allegations of the defense and made a decision to discontinue misdemeanor proceeding


image002_2Today, before the Regional Authority for offences in Podgorica were held two hearings in misdemeanor proceedings against Vanja Calovic and MANS.

First, the judge Maja Rakocevic again postponed hearings for March 10th in proceeding against Vanja Calovic for sticking labels “The Constitutional Court of the first family” on the board of the Constitutional Court in July of 2012. Previously the same judge brutally violated Vanja Calovic’s the right for the defense, imposing penalty of 600 euros, in her absence, and not providing her a chance to defend herself, which determined and the Council for violations and overturned that decision and returned the case for retrial. Now the same judge again violates the right for the defense with the claim that a written defense which is in accordance with the low and provided by the court, has to be signed by Vanja Calovic.

So the judge Maja Rakocevic once again proved that she is a loyal Government’s clerk who does all to satisfy those who have initiated this procedure, and who elected judge Rakocevic, who give her a salary and decide about her dismissal.

In the second procedure on the magistrate orders by the Communal Police issued against MANS and Vanja Calovic, the judge Sonja Pepeljak acknowledged the allegations of the defense and made a decision to discontinue misdemeanor proceeding because misdemeanor orders were not delivered in accordance with the law. Those are the orders that the Communal Police afterwords constituted because of pouring red paint in front of the Parliament, putting the burden on MANS and Vanja Calovic for violating Law of roads, actually spilling oily paint and endangering traffic.

MANS will continue to point on all irregularities in the work of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches, as well on those judges for misdemeanors cases who show why the Government chose them, and why the process of changing that Law in the part that secures such a choice, which is the opposite from European standards, is to slow.

MANS Attorney:
Veselin Radulovic, Lawyer

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