Published recording reveals that the purchase of ID cards is not done by one person


LicneKarte-100x100The last recording shows that the purchase of ID cards is done in an organized manner, and that the whole process works on the principle of pyramid schema, so it is suggested conclusion that in Montenegro ruling structure does not have majority support of the citizens, and months before the elections intimidates and bribes voters in order to survive in power.

Published recording reveals that the purchase of ID cards is not done by one person, rather it is well organized system used to commit criminal acts of illegal influence on voters over a long period of time. In that structure there is a hierarchy and clearly role division, data is collected and compared in a centralized database, and there are mechanisms of control on the election day, with the evident use of connections with state structures discovered at the beginning of the scandal Snapshot. All of this clearly reminds on the definition of organized crime in the Criminal Code.

We invite the prosecution that offer to the actor of the last recording and mediator whose name is also mentioned, a cooperative witness status, and immediately opens an investigation.

Beside that, from this recording, we learned that the system of vote buying operates on the principle of pyramid schema in which most get those who commit criminal acts and purchase ID cards, and minimum get the ordinary citizens who sell their votes and the future of all of us. Therefore, we expect that these citizens will seek a full sum that “belong to them”from ID cards buyers, which will clearly create an interesting dynamic on the field.

Therefore we are not surprised by the quick reaction of the DPS and claims that the purchase of ID cards has nothing to do with them, even if it is contrary to common sense. Even their biggest supporters can not believe in that obvious lie that the ID cards for the DPS buys someone else from other political structure and on that well organized way.

In regard to their manipulations that MANS is politically instructed, it is enough to say that these activities are carried out within the project supported by the European Union and the OSCE, which require that the elections in Montenegro are democratic and in accordance with international standards.

Finally, we invite all citizens, government officials and insiders of the DPS, because in that party there are honest and honorable citizens who are ashamed of these practices, to join us in the fight for fair elections, and to report abuse through our website On that website there is a special platform for reporting corruption that protects the anonymity of citizens in a way that codified data sends to the server abroad, in a similar principle that works famous wikileaks.

Vanja Ćalović
Executive Director of MANS

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