Info booths in five cities where on May 25th elections will be held


MANS - LogoMANS will tomorrow organize info-booths in five cities where on May 25th elections will be held on the squares, actually on the main streets in Pljevlja, Rozaje, Zabljak, Plav and Bar from 10am to 1pm.

In the previous weeks citizens reported to MANS hundreds of irregularities in the electoral roll and the number of violations of the Law on financing of political parties, especially abuses of state resources for electoral purposes. All recorded irregularities are in the investigation process, or have been reported to the competent authority in order to remove irregularities from the electoral roll, and to determine responsible individuals for abuses and violations of the law.

Beside to monitoring of the electoral roll and spending of public funds in the pre-election period, MANS will observe and the election day as well in order to prevent irregularities and stealing on polling stations. Hundreds of people have already shown interest to be observers in Podgorica and in other cities where local elections are to be held.

Because of the great interest of citizens to provide us with information about election irregularities in their cities, to be involved in checking the electoral roll or as observers on election day, MANS will tomorrow organize the first round of the info-booths in six municipalities.

These info-booths are organized within a project supported by the European Union and OSCE through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland who chairs that organization.

We invite citizens from all listed cities to visit info-booths, to get information about their rights, report us cases of electoral corruption and other irregularities, and join the fight for free elections in their city.

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