The Ministry of Interior with his own actions denied its own claims



The Ministry of Interior with his own actions denied its own claims that Montenegrin voters list is accurate and up to date, because, based on the initiatives of MANS, from that document in the previous period was deleted over 500 duplicated that we pointed at.

MANS analyzing the last version of the central electoral register identified over 500 persons who were deleted from that document, and on which we have pointed out in the past as a possible duplicate, and who we reported to the MI, using political parties, seeking to carry out inspection of the electoral roll and to ensure accuracy and updating of this document. Bearing in mind that the analysis of the electoral roll made by ID numbers, it is excluded the possibility that some people by changing marital status changed and the first, actually last name, so there are not in the voters list in that form.

Only some of the most obvious duplicates that in the past we reported, which were eventually deleted from the electoral roll, and now instead of two, there is only one person in Podgorica include one of two Sijaric Adela. According to the previous electoral roll, both Sijaric Adela are born on August 25th in 1993, lived at the same address – Karabursko field BB and voted at the polling station ” Fab. ” Plasal ” ( Vl.E.Skrijelj ) Karabusko field.” The same situation is with two Saranovic Petar, one of which was deleted. Both Saranovic Petar were born on July 15th in 1992, lived at Vasa Raickovica 18, and voted at the same polling station, “JU Secondary school” I. Uskoković ” (M – S)”. In the same way, it was deleted on of two Scekic Tijana, and both were born on August 17th in 1991, live at Donja Gorica BB and vote at the same polling station, “JPU” Ljubica Popovic “VJ” Fairy Tale ” D. Gorica (N – S)”, and it is particularly interesting that in the voters list were registered one after another, because the code of voters differ only in the last digit .

By the same principle, in Podgorica, was deleted from the electoral roll and one of the two Boljevic Ina, who were born on August 8th in 1978, of which one lives at the address Vojvodjanska  29, and a second, deleted, at Cetinje highway BB, and both voted at a polling station “Youth – Gornja Gorica (A-G).” Also, from the electoral roll Podgorica was erased one two Bozanovic Milica, who were born on August 27th, 1992 on Cetinje, the one lives at Moskovska 42 and votes at the polling station “Female hair salon “Luna ” ( A- F)”, and a second, deleted, at Radosava Burica 280 and voted at the polling station “Primary School” Vuk Karadzic ” ( A-I)”. It is similar with two Dabetić Marko, one of which was deleted, and both were born on May 20th in 1993 in Kolasin, one of which lives at III Sandzak Brigade 4 and votes at the polling station “Post No. 4 – Konik ( A-K)” , and the other, deleted, at the address Opasanica BB and votes at the polling station,”Children’s resort “Podgorica – Verusa”. It is also from Podgorica’s electoral roll deleted one of the two Djurovic Radmila. Both Radmila were born on August 18th in 1958 in Pluzine, one lives at the address Krusevac 28, and a second, deleted, on the address Arsenija Boljevica 33, and both vote at the polling station ” City Celebic former premises MZ ” May 1 ” ( A- LJ )”.

It is similar with other Montenegrin municipalities in which MANS reported persons for whom we suspected to be duplicates in the list. Thus, from the electoral roll was deleted one of the two Bojat Ana, both born on November 14th in 1992,  out of which one was on the electoral roll in Plevlja, and a second on the list in Zabljak. From that document has been deleted one Bojat Ana, and that one who was entered in the list in Pljevlja, at the address T. Pejatovic BB who voted at the polling station “Home of Coal Mine”. In Niksic, on the electoral roll, were registered two Janjusevic Suzana, and later one was deleted. Both Janjusevic Suzana were born on July 14th in 1990, live in the place Laz and vote at the polling station “PS Laz”. Also, in Niksic in the voters list were registered and two Rocenovic Ivana, and then one was deleted . Both Rocenovic Ivan were born on September 10th in 1991, one lived at the address Street 79 BB and the other at Street No. 79 number 4, and both voted at the polling station “School center”. It is similar and with two Minic Mladen from Kolasin, born on June 2st in 199, who live at the address Smailagic field BB and vote at the same polling station “Sm . Polje – Dormitory”, and one of them is deleted. In Tivat in the electoral roll were enrolled two Srdjic Nenad, and one subsequently deleted. Both Srdjic Nenad were born on January 31st in 1991, live at the address Flower Island and vote at the polling station “Gradiosnica II”.

A special curiosity in duplicate cases from the electoral roll, which we have reported, and instead of one – two were erased. That is the case with two Tuz Jusuf from Rozaje, born on March 5th 1942, of which one lived on the address Barmahala BB, and the other on the address Susteri BB, but both voted at the same polling station “The left bank of Ibar V”.

As well, we have examples that from the electoral roll were erased and those duplicates that earlier were registered twice – one with the number of an ID card, and the other with the ID number. Thus, as an example, in Berane from the electoral roll was erased one of two Djukic Milica, that one with the ID card number 3982. Both Milica were born on March 21st in 1934, live on the address Babino and vote at the polling station with the same name.

We are so glad to see that the initiatives submitted by MANS through several political parties finally began to give results and that the electoral roll is slowly cleaned from the most important irregularities. Mentioned duplicates that were erased from the voters list, and many others that we have identified by analysis, the best show that it is necessary that the police conduct complete inspection of that document, as well as other categories of troubled people such as phantom voters, those who for years do not live in Montenegro, and those who were registered in the electoral roll contrary to the Law. Also, MI should secure that all persons who were illegally erased from the electoral roll, because they do not vote for the ruling party, are again returned in this document so they can have their constitutionally and legally guaranteed right to freely choose.

We request from Minister Konjevic to finally begin to respect the Law on electoral roll and to ensure that the inspection of the electoral roll is fully conducted, and to stop with excuses that MI does not have capacity to do that job in a lawful manner, bearing in mind that that is the largest institution in Montenegro, which employs the largest number of staff. There is no doubt that there is a huge public interest to secure that the MI staff, instead of visiting the pre-election meetings of the ruling part, should start to effectively clean the electoral roll from irregularities, and that Konjevic should secure that, as the first man of that institution.

Finally, beside submitted initiatives, now and the judgments of the Administrative Court oblige the Ministry of Interior to conduct inspection of the electoral roll to ensure its accuracy and updating, and we hope that as soon as possible that process would be completed, and that the Law on voters list and the decisions of the Administrative Court would finally be upheld.


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