The response to Djukanovic’s views on the Law on financing political parties


vanjacalovic-100x100Obvious anxiety of Prime Minister Djukanovic in regard of the new Law on financing political parties is evidence that that law already gives results, and disables use of the usual mechanisms for vote buying which the senior officials of the DPS in details described in the known “Scandal Snapshot”.

It was exactly that scandal a key reason for the precise definition of the Law on financing political parties, because for the first time it specifically demonstrated that the ruling party using its staff in state institutions and companies, with no reservations misuses budget funds for the outrageously vote buying. That well organized and well coordinated network strategically positioned the DPS’s staff in the state institutions, and in the past few days is very active when it comes to necessity to manipulate the poorest and to create a huge public pressure in order to nullify key provisions of the Law that already created panic among those who are used to buy votes and power with money from the state budget.

The highlight of the hypocrites and arrogance is Djukanovic’s appeal for independence and impartiality of the Constitutional Court when making decisions about that law, when he himself with his family turn that court in the Constitutional Court of the First family, and so many times misused it with illegal decisions of the Government that had as goals a protection of personal interests of his family, as well as domestic and international oligarchs, and all on the expense of the budget of this country and interests of all citizens.

After he already confronted officials in Brussels claiming that the scandal “Snapshot” is past, Djukanovic now openly invites to the violation of the law that have been supported by the European experts, and have been adopted by the Government of Montenegro, calling attempts that his corrupted political view is placed under control, “parliamentary dictatorship”.

It is clear to everyone that Djukanovic, as president of the party in power, is the most responsible for the misuse of state resources from the scandal “Snapshot”, because he gave the key guidelines, chaired coordination meetings where vote buying was planned with money from the state budget, and all the actors of that scandal instead to punish-rewarded with better positions. Therefore, Djukanovic with his party violates guaranteed rights of citizens, which they can exercise only if they agree to be blackmailed and to vote for the party he leads. Otherwise, it is prevented for them that in accordance with the law to enjoy the right to social security, the right to work, and all other rights that belong to them as citizens.

The new law prohibits the use of mechanisms for application of social assistance, and a variety of other benefits, as well as employment based on a party favor, and that create panic among those who are used to buy votes and authority with money from the state budget.

The greatest panic that the law creates is at Djukanovic, because without buying votes the ruling party can not stay in power, and the most will lose Djukanovic and his family, godparents and friends who have earned millions participating in criminal activities.

Therefore, we expect that in the following days, as the day before the election is approaching, the regime will become more desperate in efforts, and the head of the regime more anxious and brutal in attempts to suck out the state resources for vote buying, and fight with political opponents.

We invite citizens not to allow that someone buys power with money, but to stand up for protection of their rights, the Constitution, the law and institutions of this state, and to report all abuses, intimidation and blackmail, so we can together fight for fair and free elections.

Vanja Calovic
Executive Director

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