Dzafic refused MANS’s complaint and request that television 777 withdraws its broadcasting


url1Director of the Agency for Electronic Media Abas Dzafic once again showed that he used the official position for protection of the interests of the Lottery of Montenegro, actually of controversial businessmen who control the Lottery, Branislav Micunovic and Sava Dzigi Grbovic. Dzafic refused MANS’s complaint and request that television 777 withdraws its broadcasting. In a decision issued by Dzafic there are no marks of any allegations in the complaint made by MANS, but again trying to cover up Agency’s illegal work and its director in the process of issuing and extension of approval to the Lottery.

So Dzafic arbitrarily repeats that the Lottery amended demand and submitted necessary documentation, but it is unable to prove when the Lottery did that and what kind of documentation allegedly submitted. So after MANS discovered that it was illegality in the issuance of approval in the interest of the Lottery, actually Barnislava Micunovica and Sava Dzigija Grbovica, Dzafic expects to trust him and the Lottery on their words that they acted in accordance to the law.

Dzafic’s is using untrue statements that the Lottery legally changed the program schema and to the Agency submitted information about that, because it is undisputed that the Lottery never submitted to the Agency detailed daily, weekly, or monthly program schema, actually the main elements of the program schema which should be defined in terms of content, duration, and terms of the proposed broadcasting, together with indications regarding the planned changes and the time of their implementation.

Also, Dzafic ignores and the fact that the Lottery did not submitted description of the planned program structure from its own production (title, duration, and the short explanation of the content of the show), authorizations for retransmissions and /or delayed broadcasting of someone else’s programs, that the TV 777 systematically promotes founders of the Lottery in Montenegro and the association that the Lottery belongs NGO UPIS, as well as controversial businessmen that controls them, Branislav Micunovic and Sava Dzigi Grbovic.

In doing that, Dzafic ignores and the fact that in the program of the TV 777 the principles of objectivity are constantly violated, as well as impartiality and rules of the side, because in the programs it is not emphasized an interest connection with the individuals that are favored and about who the information content is falsely represented, manipulate the statements and releases, photos, and with tone and content is distorted the basic meaning of reported, with daily one-sided attacks on personality, leadership and long-term repeated campaigns in conjunction with individual personalities and social groups.

Dzafic tolerates and approves that through the commercials on the TV 777, and also through informative shows in which “are analyzed” alleged winning tickets of the game Toto and similar, represents and encourages gambling as recommended lifestyle and all that in the times when is expected that such a program will watch and minor population.

Primitive insults, defamations, street and semi-literate states of communication from NGO UPIS, which also Media Council for self-regulation called offensive, for Dzafic obviously are acceptable and to his surrounding are the way of communication.

Dzafic ignores the undisputed fact that the Lottery was late half a year with the request for extension of approval, and the Agency illegally tolerated that, allowing continuation of assaults, defamations, street level jargon, and promoting controversial businessmen Branislav Micunovic and Sava Dzigi Grbovic.

Instead evaluation of mentioned facts and legal steps, Dzafic in its decision falsely states that MANS did not presented specific programs content to which they refer. In MANS’s complaint it is clearly pointed that the statements are from NGO UPIS repeated daily, as well as commercials and news broadcasts. Therefore it is obvious that Abaz Dzafic did not want or he was threatened to pass legal decision, because the law application would be contrary to the interests of individuals that control the Lottery, and possibly the Agency for Electronic Media.

How much Dzafic legally acted maybe best show the statement from his decision that the Lottery warned him that without their permission he can not disclose the documentation that is their business secret. In that way Dzafic clearly showed who order his actions, who decides in his behalf what is secret and what is not open to the public.

MANS will timely file an appeal to the Council of the Agency against  this unlawful decision of its director, and it will file and criminal charges against Abaz Dzafic for a reasonable suspicion that he committed a felony violating his official position, with the expectation that the State Prosecutor’s Office would examine the reasons and motives of Dzafic’s acts in behalf and interests of controversial businessmen Branislav Micunovic and Sava Dzigi Grbovic.

MANS Attorney:
Veselin Radulovic, Lawyer

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