Police and the prosecution continue to persecute those who report corruption and crime


Instead of investigating serious crimes the prosecution and police continue to persecute those who report corruption and crime, putting itself directly in the service of criminals, witnessed by the case of Safet Kalic’s wedding, but as well with a recent video that relates to the purchase of ID cards.

In both cases the police and prosecution investigate who revealed the crimes, actually who disclosed evidence, but not who committed those crimes proven by the videos.

In the case of Safet Kalic’s wedding, the police and prosecution did all to paint a target on us, and to show to the bosses of mafia from all region and their helpers from the Montenegrin intelligence service, who is responsible as their criminal businesses came into the public.

Continuation of repression against us, and in the video case of purchase of ID cards, is an additional indication that the police and prosecution are instrumentalized by the political structure in the power in order to cover up serious crimes of political corruption that MANS and citizens report.

After several arrests, detention, interrogation, wiretapping and monitoring of numerous legal proceedings, threats and pressures, and continuing violations of our human rights, the police and prosecution know that they will not stop us now. This continued repression has an order just to cover up criminal cases and to intimidate citizens who report cases to us, because they do not thrust to the corrupted and political police and prosecution.

That is why many people, with a good reason, fear of police and prosecution’s repression, but MANS will protect their identity and will take all the pressure on itself, and record each individual who on behalf of any political party buys votes, if that is necessary to prove the political corruption.

Right before the local elections, the public has the right to know who is buying votes and in whose behalf, and because the police and prosecution do  not do their job, citizens themselves must fight for free and fair elections. Therefore, we invite citizens to continue to report us cases of buying votes, or information about the persons who commit these crimes, and we will help them to come up with concrete evidence, and that the truth about these cases comes into the public.

Our phones and all other equipment of MANS and in the future will be used by our employees, but as well by the citizens who turn to us to collect evidence of serious criminal offences, and we will not stop to fight against political corruption, despite all pressure and harassment.

Vanja Calovic
Executive Director

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