Responding to a statement by Vladan Vucelic


VladanVucelicMANS obviously increasingly represents an obstacle and an eyesore to senior officials of the Democratic Party of Socialists, because it is right before the elections difficult to hide the numerous violations of the law that this party is using to influence the election results of the upcoming local elections.

Purchase of ID cards about what is talking a senior official of the DPS Vladan Vucelic is one of the mechanisms for vote buying resorted by his party, while MANS during previous months and years very precisely documented a numerous cases of abuse of social welfare, agricultural loans, compensation for natural disasters, party recruitment.

If his party is really clean and his colleagues sinless, Vucelic and his team should not have a reason for being so nervous before the elections. However, as it becomes more apparent each day how extensive is the network of activists who buy ID cards, it is expected that the quantity of nervousness of DPS “leaders” increases as each new disclosure of political corruption reduces the possibility of continued malicious abuses and violations of the law and regulations of this country.

Instead of accusing MANS to ‘brings unrest” among citizens, Vucelic could explain to the citizens of Montenegro and the public how is possible that on the electoral list of his party in Pljevlja are persons against whom there is a criminal proceeding for abuses of official power and illegal distribution of social help right before the parliamentary elections in 2012.

Also, Vucelic could say something about why senior officials of his party, which all Montenegro heard on the DPS board about a plan for the election fraud, received new public functions instead of to be, at least, politically punished, and why Montenegro continuously receives warnings from Brussels that “Snapshot” must be fully investigated.

We believe that citizens will be more upset with the fact that the DPS does not waive its staff even when they end up on the dock for for serious offences and why such people are offered to citizens as advocates and guardians of the public interest.

Finally, with indignation we reject absurd accusations by Vucelic that MANS works for any party or coalition, but we understand that, in the absence of specific arguments and responses to the more obvious examples of electoral corruption, the DPS resorts to manipulation and fabrication.

We did not expect Vucelic to accuse the parent party of political corruption, and that obviously can not be expected neither from institutions whose job is that, such as police and prosecution. Because of that MANS encourages citizens to oppose brutal purchase of ID cards so the public can find out who are the persons and organized groups that right before the local elections commit serious crimes against freedom of choice.

Dejan Milovac

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