Calovic: If investigation of corruption is a criminal offence, immediately let them arrest.


Podgorica (MINA) – The Executive Director of MANS Vanja Calovic invited Police and prosecution to arrest today members of that organization, if they believe that investigation of political corruption is a criminal offence, and said that they will continue to work on those activities.

Representatives of MANS on a press conference aired continuation of audio-taped conversation between Dragoljub Boljevic and alleged activist of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Predrag Vasovic.

Newspaper Dan on April 5th published a story in which claims that the DPS right before the local elections buys ID cards from citizens, and it pays for each 90 euros, referring on audio-tape, placed on the portal of MANS

On today released two audio-recordings, that as well can be found on MANS’s portal, Boljevic requests from Vasovic information on compensation for votes for the area of Bijelo Polje, but Vasovic answers that for the upstate he still has nothing. But that does not mean that it will not be something during the month.

They confirmed earlier agreement of purchase 12 ID cards for which money should be paid off on election day. Vasovic requested the agreement to be kept in secret, noting that they should not be afraid from the police.

That does not interest the police and there is no need, you understand me, to reach some other parties. In Berane it happened that it came to the newspapers, said Vasovic.

After they heard audio-recording she said that it is obvious, as she noted, that serious panic gripped in the DPS “because we take away from them more mechanisms that for decades they used for vote buying”.

First when the Law on financing political parties was adopted, all state institutions has stood up to render it meaningless and to stop its implementation, since that giving of various types of subsidies from the budget was one of the key ways to buy votes, Calovic said.

As stated, in terms of other mechanism – purchase of ID cards, MANS by recording activities “brought DPS in the situation that their activists do not feel so safe when on the field purchase ID cards on that way”.

Calovic believes that the state institutions, which are under political control, are mobilized in order to cover up criminal offences and allow further implementation of those mechanisms.

According to her, and on the first audio-recording of the conversation between Vasovic and Boljevic, it is clearly presented organized way of purchase ID cards, with a precise role and hierarchy, control of those activities, and the connections with the state, used permanently.

I will remind; that very much so resembles the definition of organized crime from the Criminal Code and that the issue on investigation of purchase ID cards and whether it is happening in an organized way, is one of the key questions that the state prosecution should consider, said Calovic.

In Montenegro, she added, it seems that everyone except the police and prosecution, knows that ID cards are purchased, even if they are paid that to be their job.

I invite and the police and prosecution, if the investigation of political corruption is a criminal offense, right now to come and to arrest us, because we will continue to investigate political corruption, and if that is a criminal offence, come and arrest us, she said.

When asked to comment Pobjeda’s accusations that all those cases actually created representatives of MANS, Calovic said that they accuse and Drobnic to interfere in political campaign.

It is very ungratefully serious to comment, but I have to say that we do not know Mr. Vasovic, we get from several sources information that he buys ID cards. For us it was to check and help those who reported that to us, that information reaches institutions and public before all, Calovic added.

She repeated that the buyers of ID cards fear only from media. Criminal fear only you (journalists) and use that, said Calovic. She repeated that those do not fear of the police.

Thus, in that regard, we expect further, if not shortly, but for sure when we get an independent state prosecutor to question Vasovic and to offer him cooperative witness status, since he is a little player in the whole story, concluded Calovic.

Director of Monitoring Program in MANS, Vuk Maras, said that the police and prosecutor, which he believes, protect criminals , and haunt him.

To me, who fight against these, and institutions of the system, just in ten days, four times the basic human rights were violated, without any reason, he added.

According to Maras, the police illegally monitored him, and knew that he was at the international conference, and they waited for him at the airport, and searched.

The police and prosecution illegally collected information against me, like I am a criminal number one in Montenegro, while for example Safet Kalic, escaped from the state allegedly without their knowledge, and he is charged for organization of drug smuggling for the whole region, he added.

Maras confirmed, that after search at the airport, the police confiscated personal and business phone, and after a few hours and questioned him.

Again, in an illegal manner, at any moment they did not tell me what kind of criminal act is in question and why they question me, even if that is clearly requested, and it is their legal obligation. After a few days, I was again questioned in the Prosecutor’s office, and three prosecutors questioned me, said Maras.

He asked who is in Montenegro questioned by three prosecutors.

I am not someone who smuggled tones of cocaine, I am someone who through work in MANS, is trying to uncover people who commit criminal acts, among other, and those who buy votes and undermine democratic foundation, said Maras.

He believes that the only goal of such treatment of him from the police and prosecution, is to intimidate him.

Maras said that he filed a lawsuit against institutions of the system for harassment and violation of his human rights.

And MANS will soon do the same, but we are waiting for them just technically to break all possible laws and to stop with harassment, so we do not have to make additional points in the lawsuit every day, but rather to make a legal process, and finally to start and collectively file a lawsuit against trapped institutions, said Maras.

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