MANS will implement monitoring of the election process on the election day


In addition to monitoring pre-election campaign and investigation of political corruption, MANS will in Podgorica for the first time implement monitoring of the election process on the election day, May 25th. A new methodology of monitoring voting process and registration of irregularities which MANS for the first time introduces, will secure much detailed and comprehensive monitoring and timely responses by the institutions responsible for monitoring the election day.

Unlike the monitoring of the election day that in previous years were done by the other non-governmental organizations, MANS will on May 25th monitor all relevant aspects of the electoral process, starting with a preparation of the polling station from 5am to 7am, and until closing the polling station., control of electoral material and vote counting. Particular attention MANS will devote to voting by mail, and for the first time planned and the monitoring of voting at the Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions in Spuz. Its observers MANS will have, for the first time, and in the premises of the State Election Commission and Election Commission in municipality Podgorica, during the whole election day.

To promptly inform interested public, especially political parties who participate in the election process, about what concrete and in which way we will monitor on May 25th, today on its website MANS published all material that will be used as a part of a new methodology in monitoring of the electoral process.

In this sense MANS has developed four sets of templates that will be used by our observers at polling stations, in order to identify and document all irregularities that may happen on that day:

Template A – for monitoring activities prior to the opening of the polling station
Template B – for the monitoring of the vote, from opening to closing of the polling station
Template C – to monitor voting by mail
Template D – Tracking the closing of the polling station and determine the results.

All material are published because we believe that is very important that all interested individuals have access to them, and give us additional suggestions for monitoring of the election day, so we can ensure that all irregularities are properly identified and processed, and also to secure a greater degree of freedom of the electoral process.

MANS will because of that on Monday, May 19th, 2014, organize a meeting with representatives of all political parties participating in the election process, so we can, in details, make them familiar with the plan of monitoring election, and to get from them information about what were the most significant violations of citizens’ election rights in the previous period, so the same at this time could be timely identified.

We invite all parties to respond to the invitation to the meeting which will be held in MANS’s premises, and thus provide an additional contribution to the achievement of a fair and honest elections, in which citizens will have more trust than it was the case so far. As well, we invite and all others interested subjects to, using contact information from our website, submit suggestions and comments on the published material, in order to ensure that all electoral irregularities, if they occur on the election day, are adequately recorded and processed.


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