The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and Fund PDI deliberately hide information


Brutal manipulations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and Fund PDI indicate that these institutions deliberately hide information about their pre-election spending in order not to reveal whether and to what extent they use public money to buy votes.

Fund PDI in its reply notes that MANS filed complaints because of their violations of the Law and the member of the Parliament Azra Jasovic factually invites to wait legal complications to be finished, actually Fund evidently is buying time to hide data, at least while the elections are over and until it is decided on the appeals, on which basis they will have to submit requested information.

Especially is malicious reaction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare which manages funds for the poorest population, and for which there are evidence that they are earlier bribed with the public money distributed through infrastructure of the DPS. That case is in court, because the manipulations were so great that even our prosecution and police, which are under absolute control of the ruling party, could not ignore the case. However, that did not stop the ruling party to actors of that criminal activity put on its electoral list.

MANS and the public already have data on the total amount of one-time social assistance, for which there are evidence that has been used for electoral manipulations, drastically increasing in all municipalities right before of the upcoming local elections, and that data the ministry submitted to us. Based on them, we then requested detailed information on specific spending of the Ministry, which this institution back then hid from us, and which evidently is trying to hide and the member of the Parliament Jasavic.

Finally, we say to the Ministry and Fund PDI, and other state entities that MANS will use all legal mechanisms and offer legal help to members of the Parliament, to come to the truth in court cases about vote buying by the state money. If the Ministry and Fund PDI have nothing to hide we invite them to publish tomorrow all data, detailed enough, so from them could be seen where the state money went.

Vuk Maras
Director of Monitoring Program

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