Some members of the election committee from that party conduct illegal, parallel recordings about the voters who voted


President of the Municipal election commission in Podgorica and representative of the DPS, Srdja Raicevic, after MANS’s observers on many polling stations reported that DPS activists and some members of the election committee from that party conduct illegal, parallel recordings about the voters who voted, ordered to the presidents of polling stations to send away our observers and prevent further monitoring of the election process by MANS.

MANS found that at several polling places activists of the DPS and some members of electoral committee of that party conduct illegal, parallel evidence of the voters, and it is done from parked cars and nearby objects but as well at the polling stations, thus drastically violates the Law on election of the members of the Parliament and councilors, as well as the Rules of Procedures of electoral committees.

Instead to urgently acts on these reports and secure legality of electoral process, Raicevic did all to prevent our observers to continue to report irregularities. With that Raicevic allows illegal activities at the polling stations to continue with no interruptions. Illegal record about voters during the election day is one of the drastic pressures on voters that MANS warned about and before the elections.

Raicevic in indisputable conflict of interest because his superior in the Ministry of Education is one of the candidates for mayor, so in that regard it is understandable to us anxiety because of the fact that MANS monitores the elections this year, and as well because of the fact that no irregularities will remain unreported

However, MANS strongly condemns Raicevic’s acts that will have irreversible consequences for the transparency and legitimacy of the electoral process in disputed polling stations.

MANS invites citizens in Podgorica to vote and not to allow anyone to trade with their future, and to fight for their votes.


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