We inform citizens who are entitled to vote at the polling stations no. 58 and 58A


We inform citizens who are entitled to vote at the polling stations no. 58 and 58A, which previously were in the building of the American Center, that polling place is now transferred in the premises of the kindergarten “Gina Vrbica” (A-LJ and M-S), location behind the mall Gintas.

To MANS, during the day, a large number of people reported that their polling places have been changed which brought the total confusion and further discouraged voters. None of the citizens who contacted us have not received an invitation to vote, so on the election day they are misled where they should vote, actually that the polling place was moved to a different location and they were not informed about that.

The obligation of the Municipal Election Commission was to inform all voters on time about schedule of polling stations and thus ensure that everyone knows where to vote. We believe that this practice does not contribute to the transparency of the electoral process and we invite all citizens to immediately report us all irregularities they come across.


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