The State Election Commission has rejected all complaints


izbori03The State Election Commission has rejected all complaints to the electoral process by the identical majority of nine to two, without any discussion, with the average speed of two complaints per minute.

The law provides that on the SEC’s sessions complaints are considered, facts are determined, and decisions are made.

Instead, the SEC today considered complaints in the way that one member stated number and date, without mentioning the content and the violations as the subject of the complaint.
After that the president of the Commission repeated identical text that the members of the Commission are familiar with all the materials and suggested to reject the complaint. After that they voted, identically in each case, by majority of nine to two.

This is the best evidence that the SEC makes political decisions, and not the decisions based on the law.

In addition, the SEC stated that it has no authority to determine whether the work of the MEC is legal, who fused by one decision several complaints from couple of polling stations and for several different violations. So the SEC showed that does not have will nor the mechanisms to correct illegal decisions of the Municipal Committees.

MANS will persist in submitting all complaints to the SEC and appeals to the Constitutional Court, and on the institutions is to show if they are captive to the extent that they will brutally and clearly violate the Constitution and the law, and additionally by doing that, degrade citizens’ trust in the election process.

We invite institutions to protect the state and the Constitution from the party interests and speculations, and to start to make decisions based on the law, and not the party directive.



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