The State Election Commission has continued with practice of the express rejection of the complaints without a discussion


MANS-LogoThe State Election Commission has continued with practice of the express rejection of the complaints without a discussion and only by a mere political voting. Moreover, today the SEC broke the record in the speed of decision-making because it accepted illegal practice of the Election Commission of the Capital City to simultaneously decide about few complaints for many violations at several polling stations.

That the work of the SEC is not grounded in law the best show today’s session which started earlier at 4:40 pm. On that session the SEC considered the complaint of the SNP that relates on the violation of electoral rights at the polls in Tuzi. The discussion on the SNP’s complain lasted for over an hour, and after extensive discussion the complaint was accepted and the elections were canceled.

Complaints of other electoral lists related to the identical violation at the polling station, the SEC rejected without discussion. Thus, the SEC showed that the decisions are not made on the bases of law, but on the basis of political agreements and calculations that the puling party makes with the SNP.

Representatives of those two parties at the SEC voted to reject the complaints of other electoral lists, and then voted to accept the SNP’s complaint for the same violation at the same polling station, and they canceled the elections.

Also, so far at the meetings of the SEC a serious discussion took place only about complaints submitted by the DPS and SNP.

Different methodology of work when deciding about complaints by the DPS and SNP in relation to the complaints of all other subjects and different decision-making on the same complaint depending on the fact who submitted the complaint, with no doubt shows that through the SEC the election rights are not protected, but rather illegal political agreements of the DPS and SNP are conducted.


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