Election material that was used does not allow secrecy of voting


glasackilisticElection material that was used at the polling station No. 117-A in Elementary School “November 29” in Dinose does not allow secrecy of voting because the ballots are completely transparent and it is very easy to determine for who the citizen voted. This is confirmed by the observers of MANS who also photographed disputed ballot. Ballot in pink color is almost completely transparent and allows after bending clearly to see the choice of the citizen which has seriously violates the principle of secrecy of voting. Beside this case, and on the other polling stations many irregularities are recorded.

Repeated elections in three polling stations in Danilovgrad and three in Podgorica flow relatively peaceful, but MANS’s observers again record a high number of irregularities.

Thus, at the polling station Lazine in Danilovgrad it is reported that some voters publicly voted, that some people after voting remain at the polling place, and that some members of the electoral committee publicly identify citizens who vote in a way that they loudly say their first and last names, as well as number. This is one way of illegal evidence of voters, registered already by MANS’s observers at many polling stations during the elections held on May 25th.

At this polling place was recorded and that the members of the electoral committee use cell phones which is prohibited by law, and that the number of applications for voting by letter significantly increased. In addition, during preparation of the polling place and material for voting, it was determined that in the material there is one extra ballot compared to what is specified in the documentation, which is recorded after in the official report of the electoral committee.

However, all other irregularities registered so far at this polling place were not registered in the official report, not even after MANS’s observer insisted, who was forbidden at the beginning of the election day to keep record on observed irregularities.

At this polling station MANS’s observer reported and complete uncooperative and and passivity of all members of the electoral committee when it comes to registration of electoral irregularities, because none of them was interested to note any of the obvious irregularities.

The polling place in Lazine is one of those polling places which results will decide about the distribution of power in the local parliament in Danilovgrad because it is especially important election day at this polling place, as well as other places, flows peacefully and with full respect for the electoral procedures and laws.

When it comes to others polling places in the Municipality Danilovgrad, there were reported often violations of secrecy of voting, and at the polling place Kujava the observer of MANS registered that one of the voters after dropping the ballot in the voting box said: “I finished this, do not call me again”.

MANS follows repeated elections at six polling stations in Danilovgrad and Podgorica for the Municipality Tuzi. During the day we will continue to inform the public about registered irregularities, and all of them will be reported to the competent election commissions. The election irregularities on mentioned polling places citizens today can report by phone 020 266 326 and 069 446 094. and via a secure online platform www.prijavikorupciju.me


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