Observers registered the same types of irregularities


Beside already registered irregularities, observers by MANS noted several irregularities at the polling stations in Danilovgrad which related on voting by letter, and violation of secrecy of voting. Thus, it was recorded the case where the citizens in front of the members of the electoral committee and MANS’s observers loudly announced the candidate or party they will vote for.

Far more irregularities was reported at the polling places in Danilovgrad, comparing to those where residents of Tuzi voted again.

When it comes to Tuzi, at the polling place No. 117, the observer by MANS prevented voting by letter for 5 people because they were not sighed in accordance with the law. From that number one person did not even know that the application for voting in her behalf was even submitted, while two people came to vote at the polling place, which shows that they were able to vote, and the intervention of MANS’s observers was justified.

Problems with invisible ink again are interesting for repeated elections. Observers at the polling places No. 19, Kuljava in Danilovgrad registered a voter who failed the UV lamp test, actually when he came to vote on his fingers he had ink traces.

After the intervention of the observers of MANS, the citizen was forbidden to vote. Later that citizen voted and that based on a direct intervention of the electoral commission of the Municipality Danilovgrad. Officially, an explanation for the ink on the hands of the citizen was: “He is a good guy, for sure he did not vote. Traces were from wine spraying”.

Although election day was quiet, it is worrying that at the polling places where voting was repeated, again are recorded irregularities of keeping illegal evidence, problems with invisible ink, abuses of voting by letter and violation of secrecy of voting, which clearly confirms that still exist a huge space for a good observation of the elections and undeniable need to improve legislation as soon as possible on the way to act as the prevention in relation to election irregularities.

All registered irregularities will be, within legal timeline, processed toward competent election commissions.


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