The Municipal Election Commission in Danilovgrad and the Election Commission in the Capital, rejected all 67 complaints


MANS-LogoThe Municipal Election Commission in Danilovgrad and the Election Commission in the Capital, rejected all 67 complaints relating regularities of repeated elections recorded by observers of MANS. By that it is continued practice established on May 25th by the authorities responsible for overseeing the elections, and by which they showed that they are not interested for the facts and evidence, but before all for the political interests and party directives.

During repeated elections at six polling places in Podgorica and Danilovgrad, the observers of MANS recorded that almost all irregularities are repeated, registered and during the elections held on May 25th.

Again at the polling places and around them it was noted keeping illegal records, some voters publicly voted, there were violations of voting by letter, and again voted individuals with invisible ink on their hands. All these irregularities are registered properly by MANS’s observers and reported in accordance with the law.

Although members of the Election Commissions had more than enough evidence to process election irregularities, again they decided to close their eyes to the obvious violations of the law and dismiss all complaints.

This way of work of the competent institutions for monitoring the election process speak in favor of the claims that the Law on Election of the Members of the Parliament and Councilors does not function properly, and that the institutions are totally trapped by the political calculation that prevents them from making decisions based on law, not on the interests of certain parties.


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