Responding to the press release of the Democratic Party of Socialists


Recent report continues to publicly express a huge frustration of the Democratic Party of Socialists due to the fact that MANS despite all obstructions, intimidation, and threats succeeded to fully present to domestic and international public mechanisms used by this party in order to, by breaking the law and brutal force, attempt to influence free electoral will of citizens.

The last elections in Podgorica which MANS monitored thanks to support of the European Union allowed to emerge to the surface concrete evidence on electoral malpractices of this party, which no on from that party tried to deny but rather entire “defense” comes to political pressure on the Election Commissions to reject complaints and inarticulate announcements like this one today.

It is always interesting when the party like the DPS refers to the rule of law, especially on the part that relates to the electoral process and when counts on collective amnesia of Montenegrin public about everything what we heard during the affair “Snapshot”.

It is interesting when the moral lectures on legality of the elections come from the address that patented the system “one job offer-four votes for the DPS”, and that gave rise to such personnel Zoran Jelic, Zoran Vukcevic, Daliborka Pejovic, Branimir Gvozdenovića, Tarzan Milosevic, and others like them who during the affair “Snapshot” showed how is loved own party with the help of state funds.

It is also more than fun to listen the accusations for “criminal activities” from the party that has never gave up the support of a drug boss such as Naser Keljmendi, whose political patrons became close with other drug boss Safet Kalic, and half of gang from Zemun and Surcin, and whose president does not hide closeness and friendship with people who were the subject of international investigation many years of criminal associations.

Finally, it is disgusting that about criminal activities talks the party about whose staff exist irrefutable evidence that they were as the members of the Government close associates of drug lord Darko Saric, and they are free just because the prosecution such as this one and its “independence”.
there is a long list of the DPS’s “achievements” when it comes to political and every other moral and in that sense it is clear to us frustration and obsession with MANS who by monitoring just only of the local elections in one city, succeeded to show and prove how much the elections in Montenegro are trapped in corruption and far away from European standards.
However, to the sadness of the complete DPS, MANS will continue to investigate political and any other corruption, and all attacks, obstructions, and intimidation can only motivate us to do our job even better and more effectively.


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