MANS supports the formation of temporary Committee


Izbori01MANS absolutely supports the formation of temporary Committee for the supervision of the work of state entities, and entities of state and local governments in terms of a consistent application of the relevant electoral and other legislation, because everything what happened during the last local elections showed that there is a huge space for improving confidence in the electoral process.

Last elections showed not only that the relevant legislation is non-functional, but before all that exist the politicization of the authorities responsible for monitoring the election, including Municipal but also and the State Election Commission, thus full ridicule of purpose of their existence.

The way in which mentioned institutions decided on the official complaints relating to the regularity of the elections in Podgorica and Danilovgrad has confirmed a strong need for specific control mechanisms which would correct and prevent a complete politicization of their work.

Bearing in mind their previous results, we believe that exist a clear need not only to strengthen their capacity to process large number of complaints, but also by additional control of their work to ensure that the decisions are made in accordance with the law and regulations and not in accordance with party’s directive and political calculation.

Additional control is needed having in mind suspension of the Law on Financing of Political Parties, specifically the part that was designed to have preventive effect on the political abuse of state money. After the decision of the Constitutional Court, a large space for abuses is left uncovered and in this sense is more than good to have someone at the level of parliament who will monitor that part of the electoral process.

Finally, the role of the prosecution, which is crucial for creating an atmosphere that theft and violation of the election is not worth it, when the prosecution of political corruption was negligible. This institution as an important link in this area completely failed, and only thankfully to the prosecution still there is a huge space for abuses, and we continue to meet examples of brutal political corruption that still goes unpunished.

In accordance with all the above, we understand resistance of the Democratic Party of Socialists when it comes to the formation of this body since their officials are main reason for the need that the Parliament of Montenegro deals with this problem. Such was the case with the Board of Inquiry, working group for the construction of trust in the election process, and now after local elections when massive irregularities are observed at almost all polling places, which initiated the need for additional control of the electoral process.


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