Latest decisions are governed by the party majority and interests of the party in power


MANS-LogoLatest decisions of the Constitutional Court and the State Election Commission which accept complaints about voting in Djurdjevina show that the bodies for the implementation of the elections in Montenegro are not governed by the law, but only and exclusively by the party majority and interests of the party in power.

In fact, by the decision of the Constitutional Court, followed by the State Election Commission, was adopted the complaint by a group of citizens on voting at Djurdjevina, because one person at that place voted by using expired identity card. On the other hand, all bodies for the implementation of the elections ignored exactly the same irregularities reported by MANS through three political parties and not even one of our complaints was adopted.

Instead to deal with the substance of the complaints filed by MANS, which showed that the recent election process was full of serious violations of the law, and at the large number of the polling places laws are almost trampled, election procedures and voting rights of Montenegrin people, these institutions “competed” which one will first reject filed complaints without considering at any moment their essence.

Not even the Election Commission of the Capital, nor the State Election Commission and the Constitutional Court did not concern what actually at the polling place 22-B, the Elementary School “Branko Bozovic” (P-S) in Podgorica a voter voted using expired ID card, so this complaint was rejected by all three institutions. The same situation was with the objections of the other polling stations in Podgorica 16-Gallery of Contemporary Art, 6-C the Elementary School “Radojica Perovic” Tolosi (R-S) and 18- the Parliament of the capital-Wedding Hall where also was voted using the old ID card, and all these complaints were also rejected by three institutions.

The bodies for the implementation of the elections did not even concern our complaint by which we pointed on that, as well in Podgorica, at the polling place 11-B High School “I. Uskokovic” (NJ-S) an individual voted without any document which could prove the identity, and that complaint was rejected by these three institutions.

Also, the Electoral Commissions and the Constitutional Court rejected and our complaint which showed that a voter voted by latter after the identity was proved by using the old ID card and that at the polling place 76-A LC “Dajbabe” (K-S) in Podgorica.

Selective application of the Law in Djurdjevina case compared to identical cases reported by MANS showed that the Constitutional Court and the State Election Commission make clearly political decisions, which as a goal have to satisfy the political interests of the ruling party that elected them into these institutions.

At the same time, the selective application of the law shows the extent to which the entire election system is politicized, and the law, election procedure, and voting rights of citizens are ridiculed by the party that has a majority in the bodies for the implementation of the elections. That is the reason why is urgently needed to change the entire system from the root – starting with the law, electoral rules, implementation of the law, and practices on election day.


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