DPS uses alleged fight against corruption and organized crime to oppose opponents


vujicalazovicIt is more than obvious that the DPS for a long time uses alleged fight against corruption and organized crime to oppose opponents, even when they come from their own party or coalition. In this regard, there is no doubt that the SDP was aware of that scenario in the case if they completely disobey DPS,and that was, beside numerous features they “won” now, one of the key reasons for return with the old coalition partner.

Even more so because some staff of the SDP used position of the ruling party to protect themselves and their family members from criminal liability for dirty jobs in which they were involved.

One of the loudest advocates of continued coalition with the DPS was Vujica Lazovic, current Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Informational Technology. Vujovic in recent years held a very accountable public function, including those relating to privatization of state assets and companies.

When the previous career of Lazovic is taken into the account, it is not difficult to understand why this highly ranked official of the SDP advocated that this party stays with “skirts” of the DPS. In fact, the Montenegrin public has never been fully informed of the manner used by, so far failed company, CUBUX LUX to successfully “convince” Vujicu Lazovic that it is just him the most credible strategic partner for lease of Valdanos, even though all official record indicates that he is a suspicious investor. Competent prosecutor never questioned suspicion in corruption used by the representatives of CUBUX LUX to get sympathy from Lazovic to sign questioned contract for Valdanos.

Similar situation is with a number of tenders which included his Ministry of Information Technology, where also for years not even minimum will exists from the prosecution to verify Lazovic’s work. Beside these, and because of suspicion in Lazovic’s work MANS submitted a numerous criminal charges in a few past years, including and the one that related on the privatization of the hotel AS, and failure of supervision in the case of that contract.

The current Vice-President of the Government can only and exclusively thank the DPS for his freedom, because if we live in at least basically legally structured country in which the prosecution is not under the full control of the political elite, he would be, way before, responsible for what he has done so far by doing many public functions.

Another opponent of returning the SDP to the DPS was Jusuf Kalamperovic, and beside the fact that he publicly spoke that the way how the DPS and in which percentage steals votes in the elections. Acceptance of such behavior of the DPS at Kalamperovic is not caused by the fact that he “does not know” that stealing votes is prohibited as well as misusing public funds for party purposes, but primarily because Kalamperovic and his family very much used a coalition with the DPS in order to enrich themselves in illegal businesses.

MANS already researched work of Kalpamerovic’s brother with former DPS Mayor of Bar Zarko Pavicevic, and based on that filed criminal complaints for illegal construction. Only because of connections in the Ministry of Urban Planning, relevant inspection, and also Municipality of Bar, Kalamperovic family succeeded to legalize housing complex in Bar worth millions, and thanks to the prosecution completely to avoid criminal liability for illegal construction and possible corruption.

These are just some of the examples that speak about the extend of the SDP staff’s possibility to freely decide whether or not to make a coalition with the DPS. Unfortunately, once again personal and party interest prevail over public interest, which ultimately led to the fact that the overall election result depended on the politicians that their position used for illegal enrichment.

Therefore, it was difficult to expect that the politicians who are burdened by numerous personal mortgages from their past will make any other decision different from the one which will guarantee them one more mandate and few more free years without criminal prosecution.

Dejan Milovac

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