Special body that will examine the electoral irregularities


RankoKrivokapicThe announcement of the formation of a special body that will in the Parliament of the capital examine the electoral irregularities is anything but institutional solving of the electoral corruption problem as the president of the Montenegrin Parliament Ranko Krivokapic wants to present it.

Such announcement of Krivokapic is just another deception Montenegrin citizens whose votes were stolen in the previous election, and who were blackmailed and intimidated to change their electoral will. First of all this is throwing dust in the eyes of the European Commission, which in latest report on Montenegro’s progress highlighted the problem of
electoral irregularities that occurred in the last local elections and almost non-existent public confidence in the electoral process, requesting to adequately investigate the irregularities.

Krivokapic very well knows that the “Commission” that he intends to form in the capitalcity with DPS will not have the mandate to decide about anything when it comes to issue of electoral abuses, but to form that body in order to create an illusion in the public that something is done on this issue.

Institutions that Krivokapic consciously skips when it comes to resolution of electoral irregularities are the Election Commission of the Capital, the State Election Commission and finally the Montenegrin prosecutor’s office the only address at which they can and must re-open the question of Podgorica’s election, but also and all previous suspicions of political corruption, including an affair “Snapshot”.

Especially is hypocritical that the formation of this Commission is the part of the coalition agreement between DPS and SDP, which speaks enough about the nature of such a body, and finally, what results in final can be expected from its work.

Krivokapic should know that the investigation of electoral malpractice is the question of indisputable public interest and should not be the subject to political trade and inter-party post-election blackmail in the way it was “packed” by him and his party and coalition colleagues.

The prosecution of electoral corruption must depend solely on strict application of law and free and party influence deprived of the prosecution, and not by the rotten compromise that Krivokapic made ​​with the DPS in Podgorica and willingness of DPS to investigate itself in some Commission which by the law can not have a mandate to sanction electoral abuses in any way.

After the last election MANS introduced to the competent institutions, including Prosecution with hundreds of evidence of election irregularities that occurred during the voting in Podgorica, so in that sense there are sufficient grounds to open an investigation and someone finally adequately prosecute what happened during the election.

The scenario that now is proposed by Ranko Krivokapic can fit only those who were involved in electoral corruption and those who now, after election, are trying to abolish from liability.

The issue of electoral malpractice indisputably must have an adequate response on the institutional level, but not through the quasi-Commission on the recipe of Ranko Krivokapic, but primarily through a thorough and comprehensive prosecutorial investigation. Only in that way can be avoided that the results of the investigation are subject to political trade and various “coalition agreements”, and to ensure that the solutions for the political corruption are sustainable for the long term.


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