For the Energy Law a qualified majority is required


skupstinacgFor the adoption of the new Energy Law will be required a qualified majority, or precisely a majority vote of all members in the Montenegrin Parliament because it is the law which under the Constitution of Montenegro represents a regulation that organizes the financial obligations of citizens.

The Draft Law on Energy defines the basic criteria and conditions for the methodology for the calculation of electricity prices, regulate issues of subsidies for energy operators which would be paid by citizens through their bills, as well as property and ownership rights of citizens in relation to locations where there where could be found energy infrastructure.

Therefore it is absolutely necessary that this bill gets the necessary attention of the members of the Parliament, especially because the decisions proposed within by the Government of Montenegro, threaten not only to seriously jeopardize the public interest and budgets of Montenegrin households, but they are in contrast to other laws in effect under the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union.

Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, which has jurisdiction for evaluating the compliance of the draft law with the Constitution and legal system of the State, today held a sessions and discussed the aforementioned draft law, and that meeting was attended by a representative of MANS. By the end of the session the committee members did not take a unified position on the draft law noting that the Office of the Legislative Committee spotted increasing number of problematic legal norms, without notice when it will be resumed.

It is important to note that the Legislative Committee is responsible for deciding on how to vote for this draft law in the Parliament, and whether it will be needed a qualified majority or a majority of the currently present members of the Parliament at the plenum. During today’s session, the Committee members have not discussed this question, but we believe that the Committee when making decisions about that must take into account the nature of the Energy Law as legislation that indisputably defines material obligation for citizens.

The issue of the new Energy Law will largely define the manner in which and how many Montenegrin citizens will pay not only the electricity they spend, but rather how much money will go out of their pockets on subsidizing process, or incentives for producers of electricity from renewable sources from a narrow circle around the Prime Minister Djukanovic.

With this law, as little regulations so far,  the Montenegrin Government is trying to slipped its hand even deeper into the pockets of citizens, which is necessary to take preventive actions and to stop the Government that through their backs fill up the pockets of family Djukanovic, its godparents and business partners.


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