The Government with the Law “packed” the new electricity prices


VladaCG (2)The draft law on energy, on which the Montenegrin Parliament should decide at a special session next week, is one of the most controversial the Government’s proposal that was recently submitted to the members of the Parliament to decide, because it is contrary to the domestic legal system and to the detriment of consumers openly favors not only state but also private energy companies, including companies of the son of Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic and his close friends.

From the offered solutions is more than clear that the draft law was prepared in cooperation with domestic and foreign energy lobby, while a number of illegal and harmful provisions leaves no room for doubt who will get a part to a new drastic increase of electricity bills, which will undoubtedly be a difficult impact on the pockets of the impoverished Montenegrin citizens.

The draft law contains a number of problematic solutions by which consumers are literally forced to over-finance not only the state energy companies, but especially private business of Prime Minister’s relatives and friends. In this regard, it is apparent that the energy sector is one of the remaining resources since in the the past twenty-five years the economic substance of the state and the complete economy of Montenegro were largely destroyed.

Although public interest in Montenegro has long ago lost the battle with private interest that continuously puts its hands in their pockets, the draft law on energy at an unprecedented manner favors the profit interests of private energy companies, that are provided huge subsidies at the expense of consumers.

It is widely known that consumers so far paid extremely high electricity bills to the Montenegrin Electrical Industry, while MEI simultaneously held tens of millions of euros in the bank of Prime Minister’s brother Aco Djukanovic, and in that way providing liquidity and survival to the bank. New legal solutions continue to favor state-owned power companies, but now and private businesses are added to it.

In addition, MANS has prepared about 80 amendments to the Government’s law draft and expects the cooperation of all the parliamentary groups for their processing, unless previously the draft law is withdrawn from the parliamentary procedure. We invite members of the Parliament to support proposed amendments that disable application of a series of damaging solutions that represent a direct attack on citizens’ pockets.

Otherwise, the adoption of the Government’s draft law will be an introduction to the new impoverishment of citizens who will once again from their own pockets finance the private businesses of the Montenegrin tycoons.


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