The initiative of MANS received the support of most of the parliamentary political parties


autoputBBThe initiative of MANS for the establishment of a Committee to monitor and control the project of construction of the highway Bar – Boljare, today received the support of most of the parliamentary political parties. In fact, 13 delegates from 10 parliamentary parties have announced that they will sign and deliver to the parliamentary procedure a joint draft of the Decision on the establishment of the Committee to monitor and control the project of construction of the highway Bar – Boljare.

Signing the proposal for a Decision now announced: Jelisava Kalezic, Miodrag Lekic, Goran Danilovic, Zoran Miljanic, Andrija Popovic, Vladislav Bojovic Branka Bosnjak, Neven Gosovic, Dritan Abazovic, Snezana Jonica, Janko Vucinic, Srdjan Peric Milutin Djukanovic. In addition to these, we also have the announcement of some other deputies, including deputies of the SDP, that they are generally interested to sign and submit to the parliamentary procedure mentioned Decision.

With the draft of the Decision on the establishment of the Committee for monitoring of the implementation of the project of construction of the highway Bar – Boljare is defined a set of concrete control mechanisms which Parliament can use to ensure full control of the largest infrastructure project in the history of Montenegro.

For example, under the provisions of the proposed Decision, the Committee for monitoring and control of the highway Bar-Boljare has the right that from the state bodies, institutions and legal persons performing activities of public interest, or manage public funds or benefiting from public revenues or loans for the construction of the highway Bar-Boljare, request all data, documents and information relevant to the work of the Committee. State bodies, institutions and legal entities are required to submit information to the Committee within 8 days, and all the data are published on the website of the Parliament. In this way, it will be ensured information about this project, not only for Board members and deputies, but for the entire Montenegrin public.

The Board also has the right to maintain consultative and control hearings, in order to gather additional information regarding the realization of construction of the highway, and to consider representations from individuals and legal entities that can indicate problems and inconsistencies in the implementation of this project. According to the proposed Decision, the Committee has the right to use all other procedural mechanisms, including making recommendations, conclusions and other documents in order to fully ensure transparent and lawful implementation of the project of construction of the highway.

In this way, it is possible to systematically monitor the implementation of the project of construction of the highway and the Parliament  fullt takes its constitutional position to control the executive branch, particularly bearing in mind that it is a project whose first phase is worth almost a billion US dollars, that would be multiply paid by Montenegrin citizens.

Bearing in mind all the above, we hope that the draft of the Decision will be submitted to the parliamentary procedure as soon as possible, that the Parliament will consider the submitted proposal and that the members of the Parliament will debate it and vote before the start of the summer recess, in order to establish the Committee urgently, and also to ensure its full parliamentary control from the very beginning of the project for construction of the highway.

However, although the largest number of parliamentary parties support the proposed Decision, we appeal to the deputies of the ruling DPS to do the same as their colleagues from other parties, in order to provide concrete mechanisms for the Parliament to monitor the largest Montenegrin infrastructure project, because that is the question of the greatest interest for Montenegrin citizens, bearing in mind the price for this infrastructure project that will be paid.

We invite members of the DPS to disobey domestic tycoons close to the top authorities who are planning to illegally enrich themselves at the expense of building of Montenegrin highway and also at the expense of Montenegrin citizens who pay for the construction of the highway. Through support for the establishment of the Committee for monitoring the implementation of the project of building the highway deputies DPS would show that their interest of Montenegrin citizens is more important than private interests of individual construction tycoon.


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