Negotiations with A2A must be public


StrujaA2ANegotiations between A2A and the Government to extend the contract to the management have been ongoing for nearly a year behind closed doors, while the public of Montenegro being denied even basic information about their progress and the position represented by the Government, at least officially on behalf of the citizens of Montenegro.

MANS earlier warned the negotiating team of the Government of Montenegro with Vujica Lazovic as a head of the team that the complete process must be transparent, especially due to the fact that the Government had violated the previous agreement with A2A and tolerated non-fulfillment of the basic conditions for the conclusion of a new contract on management with that company.

In fact, most of the indicators from the first contract that were a precondition for a new agreement have not been met by A2A, which is why it was needed to initiate a complete the negotiation process open to the public, because the Government of Montenegro and on this example showed that it can not be trusted when it comes to representing the interests of the citizens of Montenegro.

The issue of the construction of the second block of the thermal power plant is completely unjustifiably set at the center of negotiations with A2A because the decision on whether Montenegro, next to a black spot in Pljevlja, needs additional one, should not be the subject of an agreement between the Government and A2A, but above all discussion at the widest possible level.

Before making any decision would be required a detailed review all the aspects and risks of such an investment, both economic and environmental, and health. Instead of that from the Government and its representatives in addition to dry demagoguery we got completely unrealistic estimates relating the future operation of TPP Pljevlja, the cost of its construction and influence on the environment and health of people in Pljevlja.

There is no dispute that the energy lobby that advocates the construction of the second block is strong, not only within the Government but also on the part of the opposition, which has been recognized as close to the Government and its spokesmen are most ardent advocates of ruinous economic policies of the Government. So we have been informed that another block of TPP Pljevlja needs to be build at any cost which is both politically and socially irresponsible statement behind which can hardly stan concern for the public, but primarily for someone’s private interest.

When such issue is also concealed from the public through closed negotiations with A2A, exist even more than enough reasons for concerns about how it will affect the entire situation of the state budget and the price of electricity in the future, and whether would it be that again  the Government’s decisions “break” on the backs of citizens through transfers from the budget and increased electricity bills.

MANS and Green Home are asking the Government to urgently inform public with all relevant details of the negotiations with the Italian company A2A and details within these negotiations relation on funding of the construction of TPP Pljevlja.

MANS & Green Home

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