In an election year the Government allocates 13 million for local infrastructure


Budzet2Montenegrin Government in the election year of 2016 for construction projects of local infrastructure committed a significant sum of money amounting to 13 million euros, according to the analysis of the Draft Law on the Budget for the following year, done by the Research Center of MANS. MANS during previous elections documented cases where the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) has used this mechanism for political advantage on the ground, according to the Draft Law on the Budget for 2016, a similar situation can be expected in the coming year.

Investments in local infrastructure represent an important mechanism for election bribery, because the voters in exchange for their votes are provided the possibility of construction of infrastructure facilities that will improve the quality of their lives. This are investments that mainly relate to the construction of water supply system, procurement of rainwater tank, as well as punching, leveling and asphalting of roads in rural, and urban areas.

The Draft Law on the Budgeton shows that expenditures for local infrastructure projects are designed through the capital Budget, implemented by the Directorate of Public Works and the Department of Transport, as well as on the positions of the budget items of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

In relation to the budget line of the Directorate of Public Works, on the basis of expenditure of the local infrastructure has been allocated 4.5 million, which is an increase of one million euros compared to the current year. Out of that amount, for the construction and reconstruction of water supply system is planned 570 thousand euros, for local roads 540 thousand, and for the construction of urban roads around 3.4 million euros.

At the same time at the Directorate of Transport for these projects was set aside a sum of 7.2 million euros. Of these, 200 thousand is intended for the reconstruction of intersections, million to repair bridges and walls, then 3.5 million to resolve the so-called bottlenecks in the transport network and 2.5 million for repaving of main and regional roads.

Data available to the Research Center of MANS from the previous period, show that two directorates these investments realize through their public procurement, but also through the signing agreements with municipalities.

In regards to the Ministry of Agriculture, through the program “water management” for local infrastructure projects is planned 550 thousand euros, which is 60 thousand more than in the current year. These assets are predominantly directed to the construction of rural water supply systems. In addition, for the program “Rural development” is allocatde 820 thousand euros, ie 20 thousand more than this year, and the funds from this budget line are mainly used for the purchase of rainwater tank, plumbing materials, piling and filling the roads.

Election cycles from previous years showed that the construction projects for rural areas conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture is usually accompanied by an intensive campaign of relevant ministers on the field, and a strong media campaign, especially since the media houses that are known as close to the Government of Montenegro.

Althoug MANS repeatedly pointed to the fact that the construction of local infrastructure is used for political promotion in the pre-election period, so far there has never been any reaction from the competent authorities on obvious abuse, nor in state institutions have shown an intention to cease the practice of obvious use of public funds for political purposes.

Moreover, bearing in mind that the municipalities in urban registers have their own money for small investments, it is clear that a huge area for potential abuses and “pumping” money in the pre-election period for the construction of local infrastructure in those areas where are expected the greatest political benefits.

Research Center of MANS two days ago announced that the Montenegrin Government with the Draft Law on the Budget for next year increased expenditures for 9.5 million euros based on a number of other budget lines, in fact significantly are increased costs for severance payments, subsidies and state aid, for transfers to institutions and municipalities, budgetary reserves, as well as one-time social assistance and transfers to individuals, which was  previously discovered that payments to them are multiplied in periods prior to the election.

This text is made with the support of the European Union within the project “Zero tolerance to corruption”. The contents of this article is the sole responsibility of the Network for Affirmation of Non-governmental Sector – MANS, and opinions contained herein shall not in any case be considered positions of the European Union.

On asphalt to secure votes

Research Center of MANS analyzed the Draft Law on teh Budget of the Capital City of Podgorica for the next year, which shows that the Local Government, led by the DPS, on the basis of expenditures on local infrastructure projected 14.5 million euros, of which the single largest item relates to resolve property rights issues in the amount of 3.2 million euros.

However, what is striking are the substantial funds which are planned for construction and reconstruction of roads in two urban municipalities – Golubovci and Tuzi – where at the recent local elections (last May) were recorded a large number of election irregularities.

Thus, for the roads in Golubovci is planned sum of one million euros, for roads in Tuzi 900 thousand euros, while for the construction of local and uncategorized roads in other areas  is projected 1.3 million.

In addition, the city authorities in Podgorica intend to spend 150 thousand euros for adaptation to local community facilities and sports fields in local communities, and for a project to improve the housing conditions (repairs of roofs, facades, entrances) to spend additional 280 thousand euros.

When it comes to major capital projects, the Capital city with the budget proposal plans to build the City Theatre, for which is allocated 2.5 million euros. About this project over the years was spoken continuasly, however about that realization still nothing is happening.

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