Case Study – Illegal Right to Vote


Analysis of the electoral register for local elections in Tivat shows that around 100 persons had the right to vote for several years, although they did not have Montenegrin citizenship.

Most of those individuals were never granted our citizenship, while some of them were subsequently registered in the Register of Citizenship and are only now legally in the electoral register.

Based on the electoral register for the elections in Tivat and documents provided by the Ministry of Interior (MoI), MANS Program for Monitoring and Analytics found that at least 65 people were entitled to vote in parliamentary elections in 2009 and 2012 and the presidential elections in 2013, even though they had not had Montenegrin citizenship. After the presidential elections, those individuals were removed from the electoral roll, while the MoI itself stated that they did not have Montenegrin citizenship.

For example, Jovan Kovacevic, who was born in 1919 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, had the right to vote in three electoral cycles at the polling place ‘Donja i Gornja Lastva’ under the voter code 597, although he did not have Montenegrin citizenship. The same goes for Petar Predojevic, born in 1932 in Serbia, who could vote at the polling station ‘Tivat Kalimanj II’ under the voter code 15087, Nada Vrhovac, born in 1939 in Croatia, who could vote at the polling place ‘Tivat – Lamele, St. Blok’ under the code 22535, and Milo Lazovic, born in 1950 in Kosovo, who could use his right to vote at the polling station ‘Tivat – Kalimanj II’ under the voter code 5504.

Complete case study download HERE (PDF)

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