Necessary Improvements to Be Made In the Implementation Of the Electronic Identification system


According to information collected by MANS’s observers Election Day in Tivat from the opening of polling stations to 12:00 pm flows along with several irregularities, but at the very beginning it has been shown that are necessary improvements in the implementation of the electronic identification system before the parliamentary elections.

At several polling stations there were problems with the system of electronic identification, due to technical problems, and also for a reason of inexperience of the members of the electoral committee in the use of new devices and unfamiliarity with procedures. For example, at one polling station a device was stuck, at three points printed two certificates for one voter due to poor handling of the device. At one polling station apparatus shown that the voter is not registered in the list at that polling station, however

after several attempts, showed the data of voters and printed a paper.

In most polling stations observers can not see the screen of electronic identification device, and in some places a part of the members of the electoral committee can not an overview of data of voters who are read on the screen.

At several polling stations was observed that election officials do not know enough about the procedures and for that reason there were significant irregularities in the voting process. Thus, in several polling stations polling board presidents did not enter comments into the record when irregularities occur, as it is prescribed by law, but they decided register them at the end of election day. For similar reasons in several polling stations was repeated the problem that has been observed in previous elections, and that is that voting committees accepted sloppy completed application for voting by letter, without the signature of the person seeking to vote in this way.

At several polling stations there were several breaches of confidentiality procedure, where the voting committee members could see how voters voted, but those ballots were not declared invalid. In a few cases voters after voting, with the completed ballots left the polling stations, and after some time they came back and put the ballots into boxes. In one case, a voter took pictures of his ballot, which was noted in the register but the ballot was not declared invalid.

At many polling stations it is allowed a larger number of people to stay in the premises for voting, even though it is contrary to the law because in this way a crowd is formed which threatens the secrecy of voting. Also, in front of the two polling stations located in the building of NPC there are cameras, and a camera is located also in the parking lot of these polling stations.

There were several problems with the transfer of voters to other polling stations about which they are not informed, because they did not receive an invitation for voting.

At one polling station it was not displayed cumulative election list, until the observer MANS warned them about it.


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