Fourth Work Report of the Anti-corruption Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro


After years of MANS public campaigns, as well as the requests of the international community and the opposition parties, the Parliament of Montenegro amended its Rules of Procedure on August 5, 2012, and for the first time established an Anti-Corruption Committee as one of the permanent working bodies of the Parliament. This way the conditions have been met to formally involve the Assembly for the first time in monitoring the process of fighting corruption, which is the state’s key priority in the process of THE European integration.

The first constitutional session of this Committee was held in December 2012, after the last parliamentary elections, when this working body formally began its work. The Committee has 13 members, eight of whom are in government parties and only five are representatives of the opposition.

MANS continuously monitors the work of the Committee by direct oversight of its sessions, while other information is collected from the Parliament portal or by using the Law on Free Access to Information. All collected information is used for drawing up of this report.

Information on the Committee and its work in the monitored period, activities of the members of the Committee as well as data on the fulfillment of the Work Plan adopted by the Committee are presented in the first four chapters of the report.

The fifth chapter refers to the control mechanisms used by the Committee over the monitored period, while the last two chapters contain the analysis of the Committee’s acting on petitions lodged by legal entities and individuals, as well as on the degree of realization of conclusions, decisions, reviews and positions adopted by the Committee as of the date of its establishment until the end of February 2016.

At the end of the report, there are specific conclusions and recommendations of MANS, aimed at improving the Committee’s work. These were developed in accordance with the information gathered over many years of monitoring the work of the said working body of the Parliament.

Complete report download HERE (PDF)

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