Twice as much spent during the campaign


Podgorica Capital City spent over 3.2 million in three election months on rehabilitation and construction of local infrastructure. In addition, the mayor Slavoljub Stijepovic twice redirected a total of €350,000 for works in Tuzi, which implies that this Urban Municipality (GO), mostly inhabited by Albanian population, was very important for the ruling Democratic party of Socialists (DPS) during the election period, shows the analysis of MANS Investigation Center and the daily Vijesti.

Expenses for the construction of local infrastructure and buildings are often used during election cycles for the exercise of political influence and gaining advantage in the field.

Data on the Capital Budget expenditures show that since the beginning of the year until the elections were called, or in the period of six and a half months, local infrastructure consumed around 3.2 million, while in only three months of the elections another 3.2 million. It means that the Capital doubled its investments in urban infrastructure in the months of the election campaign.

It is particularly interesting that the mayor Slavoljub Stijepovic twice redirected the money to repair roads and build illumination in Tuzi. The total sum redirected by Stijepovic late August and late September was €350,000.

MANS Investigation Center and “Vijesti” have earlier reported that on 29 August 2016, Stijepovic adopted conclusion to increase funds  for local infrastructure in Tuzi by €180,000, of which €140,000 was allocated for the rehabilitation of local roads, while the remaining €40,000 was earmarked for the construction and reconstruction of public illuminations.

Less than a month later, on 22 September 2016, the mayor adopted a new conclusion and commits additional €165,000 for Tuzi. Most of this amount, €150,000, was earmarked for reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads in the area of the Tuzi, while the remaining €15,000 was intended for setting up new and adaptation of the existing public illuminations in the area.

The funds that were diverted for the local infrastructure were withdrawn from planned expenditures for capital projects in the capital, as the money had not been spent as planned. Under this pretext, Stijepovic redirected money Tuzi, where approximately 11.3 thousand people voted in the last parliamentary elections.

The Capital claims that they have not misused the funds. “This is not about an abuse, but about respecting Decisions on the budget of the Capital City, the Law on Fiscal Responsibility and other applicable legislation,” answers the Capital to the question of „Vijesti” related to the money redirection.

They further say that the Capital Budget is planned in accordance with the requirements of consumer units, and that some projects could not have been able implemented (the bridge in Dinosa), so the funds were redirected.

“Investments in the Capital’s program activities and investments from calling the elections until their realization were carried out strictly in accordance with the Decision on the Budget and the Law on Financing of Political Entities and Election Campaigns,” ascertain the Capital officials.

Tuzi asked for the money to be redirected

The Capital claims that there is no law that prohibits directing budget funds from one position to another at the time of the election process.

“Redirecting of funds was carried out as requested by the President of GO Tuzi, and in accordance with the Law on Budget,” the Capital informed..

Tina Popovic
Ines Mrdovic

This text is created with the support of the European Union and the U.S. Embassy Podgorica. Network for Affirmation of Non-Governmental Sector – MANS is solely responsible for the contents of this article, and the views taken herein shall not in any case be considered as those of the European Union.

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