Financial system of the state undermined by the corruption of the executive power, not by those who seek protection of the rights before the court


Regarding the stance of the Government of Montenegro from March 8, I submit the following statement:

The Government’s stance that officials who file charges against the state for damages undermine financial system of the state, once more unambiguously shows that the executive power is the biggest obstacle to the rule of law and at the same time the greatest instigator and patron of violations of laws at all levels.

Instead of identifying the responsible for law violations and wrongdoing to employees and instead of seeking reasons for undermining the financial system there, the Government and its Prime Minister dared to indict those who seek protection of their violated rights where it is done- before the competent courts.

The Government’s announcement, in which the judges who seek protection of their rights before the court are particularly denounced, as well as the judges who apply the laws and make verdicts  in these cases, are inexcusable and scandalous pressure by the executive authorities on the judges and a clear attempt to discipline them. Thus, top of the judicial authority would have to immediately condemn this open pressure on judges to judge not according to law, but according to the will of the executive authorities.

In systems of the rule of law, executive power enforces laws and provides conditions for their full implementation. Unfortunately, latest Government stance shows that the executive power in Montenegro incites illegal work, creates and protects the environment of irresponsibility, while at the same time indicts the injured parties and the courts that award damages to them.

Moreover, the Prime Minister Marković is trying to additionally publicly stigmatize all those who sue the state for illegal work, demanding that the secret of this material be removed in order to give out their names. At the same time, the Prime Minister hides from the public the way decisions are made and the remaining public resources sold, in a manner that exactly undermines the financial system in the right sense.

The Prime Minister Marković knows very well that the financial system of the state is undermined by the corruption of the power headed by him, and not in any way by the parties injured by its illegal work.

Finally, we remind the public, the Prime Minister Marković and his Government, how much the financial system of the state is undermined by only one verdict on the basis of which more than 10 million Euros were paid from the budget to the brother of the former Prime Minister. We remind how much the financial system of the state is undermined by the numerous fake warranties that the Government has given to controversial partners, as well as by numerous decisions of the Government that have caused multi-million damage to the state and which point to corruption at the highest state level.

The Prime Minister and the Government remain silent on all these cases, which best shows who undermines the financial system of the state, and who and in whose favor has been plundering the state budget for years.

NGO MANS legal representative:
Veselin Radulović, lawyer from Podgorica

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