Media that violated the law not allowed to advertise political entities, fines from 5 to € 20 thousand  



Local public broadcaster Radio Bar announced today that, despite being late with the submission of the price list for advertising political entities, it would enable participants in the parliamentary elections to advertise in that media outlet.

According to the data from the website of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC), the price list of this media was submitted on July 7, i.e. after not only the legal deadline, but also after additional deadline defined by APC for the media.

APC to remove price lists of the media that did not comply with the Law  

Several media outlets late with submitting price lists in the eve of the elections, APC to ban them from advertising election campaigns

The Law on Financing of Political Entities and Election Campaigns is quite clear when it comes to participation of the media in the election process and clearly defines the deadlines within which the media must submit their price lists, which Radio Bar obviously did not do.

If this radio station, founded by the Bar Municipal Assembly, persists in its intention to violate the law and still allow advertising of political entities and coalitions, it could face fines ranging from 5 to €20 thousand for a legal entity.

In this way, MANS once again urges APC to make decisions on the initiatives we submitted as soon as possible, in order to prevent further violations of the Law on Financing of Political Entities and Election Campaigns.

MANS will certainly pay special attention to monitoring the media that did not submit their price lists on time and report any publication and advertising of political entities through these media to the competent authorities in order to provide full compliance with the law.


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